Distraction to Delightful (a mixed media necklace)

Earlier in the week, I teased you with an image of the distractions on my desk. I finally got around to having time to focus on those distractions and wound up with something pretty wonderful, if I do say so myself. First, here's a reminder of some of the supplies that I had.
Beads, a bezel, alcohol inks, and paper

And here's the resulting necklace!

If you'd like to know how I made the altered paper piece in the bezel, here's a fairly short video I made showing most of the steps.

If you'd rather just watch it on YouTube, here's the link to the video.

I do so love playing with my supplies! If you have any questions about the process that I didn't include, please feel free to let me know in the comments.


  1. Very cool Hope! I don't hear "ums" in the video either. :)

  2. Very pretty!

  3. Hope, that is really pretty!

    1. Lee, Thank you so much! I love getting to play, using lots of colors, and ending up with something lovely! Happiness! :)

  4. Lovely necklace, it looks great. I've had some alcohol inks for a while and not been sure what to do with them. Thank you for the inspiration.

  5. Lovely! I love how the paper matches the beads so well!

    1. Veralynne, Thank you. I know it's not a perfect match but I really enjoyed trying! :)

  6. Just love it! I need to get to my studio and create some more. Kinda in a lull because I don't want to get involved with a project before the goodies from ZNet show up since it has such a short term around. Or at least that is my excuse for playing video games :)

  7. what a cool way to incorporate your new love with your jewelry making! Beautiful necklace and super cool inks~

    1. Jenna, Oh yeah. . .I've always enjoyed the mixed media supplies without ever really getting into larger scale production. Now I'm glad I've found multiple ways to use all the supplies I've hoarded. Of course, the jewelry uses come first. :)

  8. This is pretty wonderful indeed!!! I love this necklace. And in your previous post - I'm loving all the ephemera you pulled form the free books section at the library! You will have so much fun with all that great stuff!!!! Bravo! Love seeing your creative process!

  9. Oh, what fun! Nothing like some bright and happy colors in the middle of a cold winter, and I like the sparkle of the crystal to balance it all out. A necklace to inspire smiles!

  10. The altered paper pendant is awesome! And how you matched the colors, too! And the way you created it just gave me an idea about an old abandoned project of mine that has something to do with paints :)

  11. Hope-ou did a great job on the video. Very professional! I love the crystal with the beads. Thanks for the great directions.

    1. Kathy, Thank you! I'm enjoying the video play. It adds a little dimension to my work. So glad you liked it. Yay!! :)

  12. I watched to learn something, but I mostly watched so I could hear your voice :-D It is so captivating when I finally hear someone's voice or see their handwriting after only knowing them through text. You made my day, Hope! This was a great little tutorial and it gave me an idea for a book that I am slowly disassembling. Your finished piece is Gorgeous!!! The colorful beads with the clear crystals in between and that pendant you took so much care to make ~ BEAUTIFUL all around. This piece has great flow and wonderful vibrancy.


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