Menu Plan and Recipe Review

Something happened to yesterday. It went POOF! I remember waking up, bustling about some, and then it was just over. What the hay? As such, I am once again late to the Menu Plan Monday party. sigh. Let's get on with it shall we?

Breakfasts: Cereal, Smoothies, Hashbrown baskets, Oatmeal/cheese grits, Waffles, Omelets

Lunches: Leftovers, Soup w/grilled cheese, Turkey sandwiches, Cheese quesidillas, Calzones, PB&J, Bean burritos

Snacks: Granola bars, Kale Chips, Chips w/salsa, Raw fruits and veggies, Cheese, Crackers/pretzels w/PB

Tacos w/corn
Pasta with Mushrooms w/roasted broccoli
Soup (from freezer)
Grilled Chicken w/roasted potatoes & green beans


Recipe Review

Parmesan Wasabi Edamame: I was so, so excited to make these and share them at a friend's house while we watched the Iron Bowl. (ROLL TIDE!)  I mean it's all ingredients I love: parmesan, wasabi, edamame. . .how could it go wrong? These were definitely not inedible. We all ate some of them. However, they just didn't have the punch of wasabi I was hoping for. I MIGHT try these again and really up the wasabi as well as use some REAL parm instead of the kind in the green shaker. Hopefully I'll get more bang from them.

Baked Ravioli: This is the second time I've made this recipe, and once again we liked it a lot. I'm all about the simplicity and ease of a recipe and this one couldn't be easier. I mean, the ravioli are STILL FROZEN, no defrosting!! A great recipe for when you really don't want to mess with a whole lot but still want something tasty. I'm sure I'll make it again.

That's it for now as I'm trying to get back on schedule. I hope you had a wonderful weekend of shopping or resting or whatever it is you like to do as the holidays begin in earnest. Enjoy yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I kept meaning to check out that blog you always link to, and I finally did, Hope :) Imagine my surprise that she lives in northern Alberta, the first place I lived after coming to Canada as a child. Small world! I always get ideas from your posted menus. TFS.


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