New and Old in the CraftyHope Shop

It's been over two months since I've shared some of what's currently in stock in the Crafty Hope Etsy shop.Of course, if you follow me closely on social media you've likely seen some of these pieces already.
The Heart of a Country Rose Necklace
Numbered Wing Bracelet
Green Boho Chic Earrings
Rusty Washer Necklace

Besides what's new in the shop, there are a few items about to expire that I don't plan on re-listing. Get them while they're available!
Fire-toasted Marshmallow Bracelet
Electricity Earrings
Jolly Green Button Bracelet
There's quite a bit more in the shop that you probably haven't seen either. I'd love to know what you think of the direction my designs have been headed in and constructive criticism is always appreciated.


  1. Nice round up of items - I am drooping over the green boho earrings!! muy bonita!!!

  2. I really like your style, so no criticism from me! The green boho earrings are my favorite!

    1. Lorraine, I'm so glad you like my style. It's taken me ages to develop and find it, but I think I'm finally on the right track (as to what suits me, despite it maybe not being a big seller.) Thanks so much!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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