Instagram Giveaway Winnings (fun stuff)

Just popping in real quick to share one of my happy-s from this week. As you may or may not realize, I'm a big Instagram fan. If you're not on Instagram yet, why not? You should be! Anyhow, much like in the blog world, there are quite a few giveaways always going on over there too. I just so happened to win one!! It was done by Questionable7 on Instagram who had a giveaway to celebrate reaching 400 followers. Congrats Patricia and thank you for the awesomeness! Let me just show you.

The envelope itself came decorated to the nines with lots of happy colors and textures.

Even the stuffing was pretty!
beautiful baby blue, polka dotted tissue
And the prizes inside were wrapped up nicely.

What's in the wrapper you ask!?
Fun stuff is what it is!
Pens, pencils, notecards, stickers, sticky paper, mini clothespins, and little pom-pom ribbon - OH MY!
I'm not exactly sure what I'll do with all of these amazing bits yet, but I know I can't wait to figure it out.

Thanks again Patricia!
If you are on Instagram or join up, make sure to follow me! I'm CraftyHope (of course).


  1. What a great win and I just love how she packaged it. Yeah I am not really on Instagram mainly because I have enough to keep up with already. LOL

  2. Yay! Looks like fun!

    1. Jill, I was so excited for sure. Now to play with all this stuff. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Kim, Oh who doesn't! It's been a while since I've won anything so this totally made my day. Good luck to you!

  4. I think this is a great package for your paper crafts. Oh, and for gift packaging! I like the labels decorated with washi paper motifs or maybe they are washi paper. Awesome stuff!


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