Wheely Fun Jewelry Challenge Reveal

Last week I showed you the wooden wheel that Janet from Honey from the Bee sent to myself and several other adventurous designers.
When I received the wheel, I really had no idea what to do with a larger than expected wooden wheel. My hubs is awful handy though and suggested that I cut the wheel in some way. After checking with Janet, she said it was okay to alter the wheel. . . so cut away we he did. He also drilled some holes for me to string them.  (Handy husbands rock!) After that, I spray painted the wheel parts in a metallic black. Somehow I failed to get any good pictures of any of these processes. . oops. Here's a look at the color, drilled holes, and halved.

I also altered some brass blanks. First I banged on them with my texture hammer.
I then used Vintaj Patina in black to darken the metal.
After that, it was just a matter of linking everything together.

If you look at it in just the right way, it kinda looks like an owl. . .but maybe that's just Pat and me. The necklace is super lightweight and barely feels like it's on while you're wearing it. I think it ended up kinda steampunky. I know it's weird, but I really like it too.

I'm anxious to see what everyone else made with their wheels and I bet you are too. Here's the list of the other participants so you can see just how creative these amazing artists got.
You are here ----> CraftyHope

Thank you so much Janet for thinking of me for this Challenge. It was indeed a challenge, but I really do love thinking out of the box. It was a wheely good time!

I'm also linking this post to CoziNest's Thoughtful Thursday.


  1. I was looking forward to seeing what everyone made but when you posed the question a while back about taking it apart, I couldn't wait to see what you made! You never disappoint, Hope. This is too cool! I love the chain, the metal bars and those super cool owl eyes!

  2. oh that is just so ....well .... crafty of you!! LOL I love it! I would never have thought to cut it in half, but it gives it such a 'ghost town' feel ... perfect for the season :D

  3. HI hope,
    Your necklace is awesome! I never would have thought to cut the wheel in half, but what you and Pat did worked and the necklace turned out beautifully. I did not see an owl face, but I saw a ladder or a swing bridge, but whatever is seen when looking at your necklace just know it is an awesome creation.

  4. Hope!!! Gorgeous design! And it does look like an owl! :) I'm in love with the patinaed metal and the color of the wheel is the perfect compliment to the brass! Rustic steampunk, I like it!!!

    1. Sally, Aw. . .thank you! I'm glad you see the owl too. That was the first thing Pat said when I finished my design and showed it to him. I think it's the big wheel-eyes that really make it look that way. I appreciate all your kind words about this. It was a tough, but fun challenge for sure. :)

  5. I would have never thought to cut it in half. You see things in a fresh, unique way, that's what makes you such a good designer!

  6. oh my goodness - this is amazing Hope! This is worthy of an art gallery piece... seriously! It is kind of Art Deco in feel. I could imagine a message behind the breaking of the wheel and the path that goes down the middle. I really love this!! You are a magician to create a piece of wearable jewelry!! Thank you so much for participating. I promise the next one won't be as tough... but you know you really hit a home run.

    1. Janet, You are too sweet. Art Deco, I didn't consider that but I totally see it now. I'm so happy you like it and that you picked me to participate. It was definitely a challenge, but I really love thinking out of the box. This had me a good ways from the box. Loved it! Thank you.

  7. Very cool how you rose to this challenge, Hope! I can't say I see an owl (though I totally get that!) but this is definitely an awesome and unique design :)

  8. Dang girl you weren't kidding on the size! Great job on turning it into a unique and pretty piece of jewelry.

  9. Oh yes - it is an owl! haha! That is such a creative use of that wheel! I am gobsmacked at your creativity! Nice job!

    1. Patti, I'm pleased you see it too. I wouldn't have spotted it myself if my husband hadn't seen it first. Thank you so much for your generous compliments. I'm not sure I deserve them, but thank you! :)

  10. Yup, definitely an owl! Love the idea you cut it in half - very ingenious; the necklace is incredibly awesome. A bit weird, you're right, but just the right amount to make it unique and spectacular and perfect for the season too. Awesome job!

  11. This looks like one of your found objects jewelry that never stops to amaze me. You're so good at having visions for unlikely jewelry elements :)

  12. So unique and creative. Inventive is the word that comes to mind when I look at it. Love it!

    1. Marcia, Thank you so much! I think everyone in this challenge had to be a bit inventive and re-see the wheel as something else. I appreciate you hopping by! :)

  13. I do see the owl! What a fun design. Love it.

  14. Replies
    1. Veralynne, Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. :)

  15. Hi Hope. your necklace is wonderful. It is very creative and unique. Good job girl.

    1. Becky, thank you! It was a lot of fun working on this challenge. I do love me some unusual materials!


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