Pinning with Purpose | Week 13

My post yesterday should have explained much of my absence this past week. However, today begins a new week and a new resolve to begin again. It's time for . . .

Here's a little bit of what Pinning with Purpose is about. Each week, I pick out a few pins from my Pinterest boards and try to recreate them or use them for inspiration. And, I challenge you to do the same. Find a pin that gets your creative juices going; be it a craft tutorial, recipe, style inspiration, or organizational tip and run with it. I encourage you to share your results on your blog and then link it up here. I do ask that if you are going to link up here, that you mention it on your blog with a link back.  As well, if you want to pin anything seen here, please make sure you go to the original post to do it.

Before I show what else I accomplished this week, let me feature the ladies who linked up last week.
Jenna's super cute Witch at the Door {The Painted Apron}
Also, Jenna's delicious-looking Pigskin Tailgate Dip {The Painted Apron}
Leslie Anne's Humidity-proof Caramel Apple results {Fairhope Supply Co.}
Thank you ladies for sharing the results your creative endeavors and linking them up here! Y'all are the best!!

I had two pins to work on this week but was only able to get to one of them:
Button-lettered pumpkin from  Easy Day's list of Pumpkin Carving Ideas
For my pumpkin, I too the more economical route and picked out a small, carvable, styrofoam one from the Dollar Tree.

Using a pencil, I sketched out my letter (because of the size of the pumpkin, I went with just a single letter; our last initial). You can see the lines of my first attempt at drawing the S. . .oops. I decided to use some gray buttons as well as the black ones and Aleene's Tacky Glue to attach them.

After letting the glue dry overnight, my button pumpkin was ready to be displayed with my other dollar store pumpkins
I know it's not perfect, but I like it nonetheless.

Now, for next week. . .
Now it's your turn to share how you've been inspired.


  1. hi Hope! Thanks for the party! I love to see what you've been up to also, and the button pumpkin is so incredibly cute! I love the initial monogram, super idea and it looks great with your industrial pumpkin creations! Plus, you are so smart because you can enjoy these pumpkins through Thanksgiving~ Have a great week!

    1. Jenna, I'm so glad you enjoy the linky. I'm relieved you like my button pumpkin. It didn't work out exactly as well as I had hoped, but I think it's cute. And, you caught me with my double-duty pumpkins. I've been so short on time lately, that I haven't been sure that I want to make strictly Halloween decorations that I just have to take down in a week and a half. Thanks for linking and for your sweet comment. :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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