Meal Plan and Recipe

Over the weekend, Pat and I decided to be more active than we have in a while and played a round of disc golf. That single 18 basket course wiped us out completely. It was shameful! It was also a stark reminder of just how lax we've been with out diet and exercise lately. Seriously shameful!! Now that my health is better (headaches are gone) and the weather is cooler, I'm hoping we can get back into some better habits. This starts with what we put into our bodies. Here's the plan for this week.

Breakfasts: Smoothies, Cereal, Toast w/PB, Conecuh (sausage) w/eggs & toast, Homemade puff pastry pop-tarts or cinnamon sticks

Lunches: Leftovers, Soup w/grilled cheese, Chicken finger wraps, Pepperoni paninis, Bean burritoes, PB&J, Cheese quesidillas

Conecuh (sausage) w/green beans & mac-n-cheese
Veggie burgers w/sweet potato fries

I'll be the first to admit that the above menu is not the most healthy, but I need to get rid of some of the junk we have on hand first. I just can't let food go to waste. Excuses, excuses. . .

Recipe Review

Sticky Orange Tofu Bowl: I think this is the second time I've made this recipe. I reviewed it back in May. This time I had more success with not caramelizing the cashews. Again, it was a wonderful use of tofu.

Mini Quiche (w/crust): I think Pat had some reservations about this recipe when I mentioned it to him. (Real men don't eat quiche or something like that.) But, I added bacon and mushrooms to bulk it up a bit. I think they were really great!

As you can see, my Monday plan fell on a Tuesday. This means I'm already a day behind in this week and desperately trying to catch up. There's so much I want to do. What have you got planned for the week?


  1. Check out Jenn's Peas and Crayons blog - she a dietitian and her recipes are fab.

  2. I'll be by for a pepperoni panini and the conecuh sausage with mac & cheese!

    1. Jenna, Unfortunately the conecuh and mac-n-cheese were last night, but they were good. The paninis. . .we'll see if I get to them. This is the second week with them on the menu and Pat's not seemed too interested at the suggestion. Oh well.

  3. I so wish that I could get Saje to use a meal plan. I am picking up 40 pounds of chicken breasts next Tuesday and I need him to clean out the bulky stuff from the freezer so it will fit.


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