Pinning with Purpose | Week 9

It's that time again!

If you're new to Pinning with purpose, here are the details: each week, I pick out a few pins from my Pinterest boards and try to recreate them or use them for inspiration. And, I challenge you to do the same. Find a pin that gets your creative juices going; be it a craft tutorial, recipe, style inspiration, or organizational tip and run with it. I encourage you to share your results on your blog and then link it up here. Fun, right!?

Let me start by once again thanking Jenna from The Painted Apron for linking up last week with her really neat Farmer's Market Seasonal Chart.
Jenna's Seasonal Chart

As for my week, I was unable to get to all three of my selected pins for this week's Pinning with Purpose. My motivation was seriously waning and plans didn't work out as I anticipated. However, I was able to get to one of them.
The Wire wrapped wristlet tutorial from Shiny Little Things off my Jewelry tutorials board

Here's how this turned out:
I started with a pile of miscellaneous beads and the amount of wire called for in the tutorial.
It took a little finagling to get the shape right, and I did have to use a little extra wire in some instances. However, once I got one of them made it was hard to stop.
I got these three done before I had to stop myself and launch into my earring-making. This is definitely another design I'm glad to know since it worked perfectly with some of the bead soup that's been collecting for years.

As for next week, I'm just going to try to get to the ones I missed this week:
So that's it for me.


  1. I love this idea... once I get done with my Fall cleaning I am going to start.. Love the bracelets.

  2. hi Hope! I linked up a project that was definitely inspired by all kinds of houses I saw on Pinterest~ it really does help get the motivation going! Your bracelets look totally fabulous! Have a creative week and thanks so much for the party!

    1. Jenna, Oh. . .I just love the idea of a haunted house tutorial!! It's about time for me to start dipping in the Halloween crafts too. I can't wait to see yours, I'll be hopping over there in just a few. Thank you SO MUCH for linking up, I appreciate you keeping this alive the last few weeks. :)

  3. Your bracelets came out great! I love the color choices. Perfect for autumn.

  4. ... which reminded me of a wire bangle tutorial I pinned a loooong time ago :) I'm pretty overloaded at the office after vacation and have stayed late these couple of days but I'll try to join the fun this week :)

  5. Hi Hope,
    Wow it has been a while since I have visited you here on your blog. I feel so behind on the blog scene. What a great idea you have going I may just have to join in on this great idea. Love the bracelets.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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