Thrifty Scores at Mobile Antique Stores

Though I'm still battling some sinus/allergy issues, I'm trying not to let that keep me down. Each week I visit with my nieces and mom across the bay in Mobile. I just can't disappoint them or deprive myself of their company. Since I was headed that way, I decided to leave a little early to hit up a couple of my favorite antique stores. I didn't need much more motivation to get out and about, but that didn't hurt.

I started with Cotton City Antiques and lucked up with these finds.
This baggie of broken and lost pairs jewelry had my name written all over it.
Most of these vintage clip-on earrings will be going to a friend who has a craft project in mind.
I couldn't pass on the worn little medicine tin, chandelier crystal, or collection of metal bangles. I know I can come up with something for each of them.
With little time to spare before they closed, I raced over to Antiques at the Loop. Though I was rushing through the booths (especially when youngest niece called to see if I was on my way), I scored a few treasures there too.
I had passed on a nice collection of buttons at Cotton City (because my button collection is already so large), but I couldn't resist a baggie of rhinestone buttons at Antiques at the Loop. Shiny, sparkly!
And, some metal and hardware bits caught my eye as well.
I had a great visit with the family to boot. So despite the ickiness in my head, I'm glad I pushed myself to get out of the house.

I recently found a few linky parties that also share their thrifty finds so I'll be linking up to them this week. I can't wait to see some of the other thrifty scores.
Junkin Joe at The Cottage Market
Vintage Inspiration Party at My Salvaged Treasures
Ivy and Elephants
Thriftasaurus at Sir Thrift-A-Lot
Thrifter Share at Thrifter|Maker|Fixer|Farm
Thrifter Things Friday at Melissa's Antiques
Nifty Thrifty Link Up at ALivingSpace


  1. I love posts about thrifting! I've shared before that used items stores in Bulgaria appeared quite recently and are selling imported (!) stuff and only some of them carry used jewelry, mostly broken but still, I've found some treasures, too :)

  2. Great finds all Hope. Sure hope you get to feeling better soon!! Have a great Labor Day weekend-

    1. Thanks Tammie! I'm stoked about these new finds. Here's hoping you enjoy the weekend too. Roll Tide!!

  3. I have a booth at Antiques at the Loop, and spend five minutes working in my booth to every hour I spend shopping in everyone else's booths! It's a fabulous store.
    You found some great items, so it was a good day - except for the sinus thing. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. You sure found some fun treasures. I especially love the buttons...I have a real weakness for them. Thanks so much for sharing your finds at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  5. Love all the metal and hardware pieces!

  6. Oh man - hope you feel better soon and have a great time with those nieces of yours. What wonderful finds - especially loving the hardware bits .... I could see those in a few pieces!

  7. I love rhinestone buttons and those metal tags are really cool!

  8. I love to shop at Cotton City, just don't get to very often since it's a couple of hours away. You did great!

  9. Glad you had fun in spite of feeling icky!

    1. Anny, Thanks! It does make me feel better to find some good stuff. Retail therapy or something like that ;). Thank you for popping in!

  10. Oh now I in love with your metal bits and bobs. Oh and those rhinestone buttons would be gorgeous with a bracelet.

  11. My Favorites: Medicine Tine, Metal and Metal Pins. Did you Google the names yet? The woman on the center pin is kinda hot.... If she's on a pin she might be famous too, or better yet infamous.

    1. Alan, I hadn't even thought about googling the names. I guess that's more your thing being in research and all! Good idea though. I'll have to remember to pull those back out and look them up when I get a chance. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  12. Love all the metal pieces

    I started following your blog.

    kiss kiss


    1. Jessica, Thanks so much! I appreciate you stopping by and the follow.

  13. ohhhh my! I love those old metal tags-I'm kind of glad we don't really have a LOT of cool old stuff up here in Alaska because it would be impossible to not buy it all!

    1. Laura, That probably is a blessing. I know I paid more for those than I would have liked, but I HAD to have them! ;) Thank you so much for dropping in!

  14. Love your finds especially the rhinestone buttons and metal pieces. Thanks for sharing @ TTF!


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