Thrifting Thursday | Jewelry Scores and More

On Tuesday, Pat encouraged me to hit up the thrift stores for a variety of wanted and needed items. In addition to the items I was out looking for (I'll go into all that at a later date), I happened upon some real treasures. (You can click the pictures for a larger view.)

I found two bags of jewelry at the Waterfront Rescue Mission Bargain Center in Foley. I think I should have looked at them a little closer, because one was definitely 'better' than the other. See for yourself.
This is what I'll be keeping from the two.

And, these are the items I wasn't as fond of.
Bag #1 was definitely the winner overall, but here are my favorites from the bunch.
That computer brooch cracks Pat and me up to no end. I think he needs to wear it to his next in-person work meeting. HA!!

Oh, I also scored this little beauty.
I'm not sure what I'll do with this rhinestone buckle, but I'll figure it out. It was too pretty to pass up.

In addition to all the awesome jewelry pieces, I also brought home some other bits during my full day of thrifting adventures.
Let me assure that while the cat picture is nice, I got it for the frame. OH, and do you see that tin with 'Currier & Ives' on the side? I knew I knew those names, and now I have a Christmas song stuck in my head. You're welcome.
I'd say it was a successful day overall. What are your favorite items to look for when you head into a thrift store?


  1. I have one of those 'computer' pins too...also from a thrift store junk-ola bag! Love that rhinestone buckle too- great finds! I went thrifting today too and picked up some unremarkable photo frames, good for covering in polymer and also a neat vintage tin to repurpose.

    1. Tammie, That's awesome that you have one of those pins too. I just thought it was so remarkably dated that it's awesome. I do love your thrifting posts and hope you don't mind that I copied you some with this post. ;)

  2. God I would love to spend a day thrifting. We just don't have any good thrift stores around here and I refuse to shop at Goodwill since the guy that owns it is making millions when it was designed to help out the handicapped.

  3. Oh how I miss thrift stores. We have a chain of stores called Manga Souko which are awesome, but it's not the same. They buy items from people instead of them being donated is one difference. Thanks for sharing your finds. I love the blue cone and bead necklace.

  4. I love the rhinestone buckle! I also found a computer pin like that except mine had a little chain with a mouse attached.

  5. That's quite a haul! I really like the metal pieces. I can't wait to see what you make with these goodies!

  6. I love going to the DAV store down the street from us. I am always looking for items to repurpose.. crafting items are a big score.. I really love the green, purple and blue chain. Great finds.

  7. Cool finds!Thrifting is fairly new to my country but I have found some baubles in a second hand store that I love :) And I also collect junk/broken/unloved jewelry from my coworkers and friends for the price of something I make for them :)


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