Pinning with Purpose | The Beginning

For far too long I've been haphazardly adding items to my Pinterest boards without a care in the world and without consistently using any of those ideas, tutorials, or inspirations. They've piled up and are embarrassingly out of control. It's about time I get around to putting an end to the Pin-hoarding. As such, I've decided to start up 'Pinning with Purpose.'

Each Sunday I'll pick at least one of my pins to work on during the week and then reveal my results the following week.

For this first edition of Pinning with Purpose, I selected the following pins to try:

And here's how it went:

For the Swatch Portraits, I grabbed some embroidery hoops and fabric I had laying around the craft room and went to town.
In less than an hour I had completed the positioning and gluing. I just had to wait for them to dry.
By the next morning, they were trimmed and on the wall.
I'm pretty smitten with how these look in my hallway.

The One Pot Thai Peanut Pasta wasn't as pretty as the original.
However, it was pretty tasty.
I may even make it again.

The Graphic Bangles gave me the most trouble.
Using the Crystal Clear Shrinky Dinks, they came out a little wonky, but that was possibly my own fault. After all that practice, I made a second attempt with the Shrinky Dinks Frosted Ruff and Ready. Those turned out much better.
They're smaller than the ones in the tutorial, but exactly the size I needed. In fact, one's already been worked into a bracelet. (Somehow I didn't get a picture of it though, but I assure you it exists.)

It's a relief to not have those Pins sitting there, gathering virtual dust. That was fun and I'm ready for more. Here's what I've got planned for next week:

I hope you enjoyed this as I plan to make this a regular thing each Sunday. You are invited to do the same. Explore your own Pinterest boards for those wonderful but neglected ideas and link up here for Pinning with Purpose. Oh, and I'm not SOLD on the name for this yet so if you have suggestions, please let me know!


  1. I will have to try the Thai Peanut dish, looks great. And the embroidery hoops I would use to decorate my sewing room .

    1. Clare, I'll admit that the Thai dish took a little longer than I would have thought, despite it being a one-dish recipe, but that could have just been me dragging my booty. Oh, those hoops would be perfect for a sewing room, especially if you've got scraps piling up. I can't wait to thrift some more hoops and make a few more of these. They really were so easy and a quick way to add such a great pop of color in my blank slate of a hallway. Have fun with it! Thanks for checking out my post. I appreciate it!

  2. What a great idea! If I can ever get my life semi-organized I'm gonna try this! I constantly pin things, but I don't ever actually do any of them, this would be a great way to make myself actually try some of them. Thanks!

    Debbie @ Flower Child Designs

    1. Debbie, Thanks!! I'm actually hoping to use some of my 'organization' pins to get myself organized. Ha! I'd love to have you play along for sure. :)

  3. What a great idea! I just wish that I had the time to join in but it seems lately that I am doing all I can just to work and finally make it into my studio to play with my jewelry on weekends. I do kinda have a goal with my pinning already though. I want to end up with the best collection of jewelry tutorials that I possibly can.

  4. About Pinterest - this is so true! I had decided not to make my boards bigger than my monitor (I got a big one) and yet I've only tried a couple of tutorials. I even unpin things after I make them (sorry, guys). I really have to follow your example. And I am smitten with what you made and how everything turned out! Looking forward to your next Pinterest weekend :)

  5. Hope - I am still only working with a phone and no computer and really not visiting any blogs at all this summer but caught a glimpse of yours and had to tune in for a moment... I LOVE these swatch hoops!!!!! Brilliant. Easy. Wonderful gifts. And I have that patina pinned from a while back so I will tune in again to see how that went.

  6. Replies
    1. Cynthia, Thank you! I figured it was about time I get around to all those Pins. This way I'm forcing it upon myself. I appreciate you taking the time to drop in for this. :)

  7. it is such a great idea. I also keep hoarding, so far I have been doing just nails consistently from there ;) Thanks for sharing. Gutukas (All in beads)

  8. I love the hoops! What a great idea to add color and interest to an empty wall. I wonder if that can be done with paper as well, maybe maps? That would be neat too.


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