Meal Plan and Recipe Review

Ah, Monday once again. A day for me to try to resume routine and get back on track. That's indeed what I've been doing as I've already cleaned out the fridge and completed the grocery shopping for my weekly meal plan. Here's what I think we'll be eating.

Breakfasts: Blueberry banana muffins, Smoothies, Yogurt w/granola, Cereal, Omelets, French toast

Lunches: Bean burritos, Simple sesame noodles, Leftovers, PB&J, Tuna noodles, Cheese quesidillas, Soup & grilled cheese

Grilled Chicken w/sweet potatoes & roasted broccoli
Spaghetti w/salad
Homemade pizza w/salad
Grilled steaks w/red potatoes & grilled corn on the cob


Recipe Review

Raspberry Chocolate Icebox Cake: This was super easy to make and so, so tasty. However, it makes a ton. Even with one of our niece's help to eat it, we still didn't finish the whole thing. I think I might half it when I make it again. Oh, and I didn't have amaretto so I just used almond extract. It was definitely good.

Walnut, Parsley, and Parmesan linguine: I was a little concerned about Pat liking this since it had no meat, but he really chowed down on it. I also really enjoyed it. I'll definitely make it again.

Whole Wheat blueberry waffles :  I substituted 1 cup of white wheat flour and 1 cup of regular whole wheat flour instead of using the two cups of whole wheat. These were really divine; silky and wonderful. YUM!

And now with that taken care of, I'm off to check off some less desirable and less blog-worthy chores.


  1. hi Hope! The walnut parsley parmesan linguine sounds divine~

    1. Jenna- It really was. . and so easy to pull together as well. The parsley was good in it, but I really think any fresh herb would have worked also. Missed you yesterday. I hope all is well! ~Hope

  2. Good simple meals. I need more like this. Thanks

    1. Kristina, Yes, I went really simple this week for some reason. I don't like to overwhelm my hubby with too many crazy new things often. He's definitely a spaghetti kind of guy! Thanks so much for dropping in! ~Hope


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