Menu Plan

How is it possible that motivation, inspiration, and drive all dip and peak throughout a month, week, day? Last week, coming off vacation, I was all GO GO GO. This week, I already feel like I'm having to kick myself in the booty or bribe myself to get through each task. It's not just me is it? Today I've been to a blogger meeting, altered a piece of jewelry for a possible sale, and started the laundry. However, I feel like I'm dragging butt to get anything really accomplished. Case in point, I STILL haven't posted my menu for the week. Not yet anyway. I keep glancing at my to do list like it's going to change or something. It hasn't. So here's to maybe checking off an item on my list.

Breakfasts: (all with fruit sides) Smoothies, Cereal, Oatmeal/grits, Omelets, Muffins

Lunches: (all with fruit/veggies on the side) Leftovers, Simple sesame noodles, Turkey sandwiches, Tuna noodles, PB&J, Soup w/grilled cheese

Mexican hand pies (from freezer) (link and recipe review here) w/corn

I'm linking up at I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday (Tuesday).

And now I can check that off the list and see if my motivation is hiding under the couch. . .but that first requires getting up out of this chair. Dang.

1 comment:

  1. I like that your menu plans aren't heavy on meat. I could do without it, but the men in my house . . . well, you can guess.


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