Return to the real world with a meal plan

My two weeks of vacation are officially over. . .thank goodness! We really had a blast the first week with our friends and then the second week with our nieces, but I was ever so happy to get a chance to try to get my house in order yesterday before starting back on my weekly routine today. Of course, I already miss being near the water. So I listed these pretty Sailboat earrings in my shop.
Sailboat Earrings
Since we're both back home and no longer have the nieces, I can focus on tasks like re-stocking our pantry and fridge with items that are NOT Easter candy, doggie bags, sugary cereals, and fatty snacks. (Seriously, I feel like that's all we've eaten.) It will be tough to really get back on track with our healthier eating habits, but (now that I've seen what I look like in a bathing suit) I know it's a necessity! Here's what I have planned for the week.

Breakfasts: Smoothies, Cereal, Oatmeal/grits, Hashbrown baskets, Waffles (all with fruit)

Lunches: Soup w/grilled cheese, Cheese quesidillas, Simple sesame noodles, PB&J, Tuna Noodles, Turkey Sandwiches, Leftovers (all with fruit and/or veggies)

Grilled chicken w/Sweet potatoes & Caesar salad
Tofu parmigiana w/Roasted broccoli
Mexican hand pies (from freezer) w/Corn
Beef stroganoff w/Green beans

I'm also hoping to get some exercise back into my routine, but we'll see how that goes. How do you motivate yourself to get moving? (I'm guessing ice cream's not your answer because it's usually mine. . .as well as the reason I got into the lack of shape I am in.)


  1. Hey Hope. I'm trying to make my meal plan (a little late I know) and I'm looking to yours for inspiration. What are Mexican hand pies?

  2. Marianne - I LOVE having a meal plan. It makes the week so much easier to deal with. The hand pie recipe is here ( but you might want to read my review of them before you decide if you want to make them. Here's the link that my review is included in (
    Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have ANY other questions! :)

  3. My hubby is the main cook in the family but I end up doing the grocery shopping. I wish that he would go onto a meal plan so that I would have an idea of what to pick up.

  4. Isn't that the hardest part of the vacation hangover, Hope? Feeling like you are almost starting from scratch :) How quickly our "good habits" can slip away if we let them!

    Will check your pie review... though we have lots of variation in our meal plans, it's nice to add a new recipe once in a while :)

  5. It's always nice to get back into a normal routine after a vacation. I love your sailboat earrings!

  6. Love the little sail boat earrings. It is always hard to get back into the swing of things after the fun is done, but I am sure you will be back on track in no time.


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