Mardi Gras 2014

Happy Mardi Gras y'all!!

I'm either partying it up downtown Mobile, AL (the HOME of Mardi in the states) or working on the next issue of the ZnetShows Creative Spark Glossi. But, I thought I'd share some of what I've captured this Mardi Gras season at the two parades I've been able to make it to. {{I ask that you please pardon the poor quality of my photos and videos as I used my cell phone since I don't trust myself not to break my good camera in the chaos.}}

On Thursday I watched the Mystic Stripers Roll down the street.

I was tickled with the real Clydesdales in the parade.

Here's a short video of what it's like to have beads, moonpies, and other 'throws' hurled toward you.

On Saturday night I met up with my family for the Mystics of Time parade. It's my favorite of the season because of THE DRAGONS.
Above is Vernadean, she's the mama of the bunch (and she breathes fire, obviously). There's also Dean, the daddy, and Verna, the baby. They don't have mama dragon's firepower though.

Here's a video I caught of her coming up the street.

The MoT's theme was "There's a First Time for Everything" and here was their 'First Cartoon' float that made me grin.

Oh, and I even Mardi Gras-ed my nails. . .though they're a bit rough.

I hope that each of you are having a wonderful Fat Tuesday and living it up before Lent begins on Wednesday.
Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!


  1. That dragon video was wild! In person, that must be even more impressive!

  2. What a great post that really shows how much you are in the spirit of mardi gras!!!


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