Bead Table Wednesday

It's back!
I'm not exactly sure where Bead Table Wednesday disappeared to as I desperately clung to it until about May of last year. Heather Powers of Humblebeads, the originator of BTW, has resurrected the weekly ritual.

What's actually on my desk is something I can't share until next week. As such, I did some more experimenting this morning with an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for the last few days. It started with a couple of the keys from my massive collection.

First I cleaned and sealed them with Renaissance Wax. Once they dried, I altered them with some Gilder's Paste and StazOn ink

Then added a little Magic-Glos. . .

The experiment isn't quite finished as I still need to Glos the other side, but I've learned that I need to add a little bit more of the Magic-Glos than I think I need and to not add more glos after I've already cured a coat. (Unless I want to coat the whole thing again.) All in all I really like the look though!

What's on your bead table today? To play along:
::Snap a photo then share it on Instagram, your blog, or on my the Humblebeads Facebook page
::You can share a work-in-progress, a total disaster, or a finished project. 
::Use hashtag #BTW or #BeadTableWednesday on Instragram
::If you blog about it, grab one of the icons on Heather's blog and link back to her.

I really enjoy BTW and hope you play along as well! The links to Heather's blog above are last week's. Here's her blog post for this week for you to check out and link up to.


  1. I love the idea! I can't wait until I see what you come up with.

  2. That's really cool! I'm sooo jealous though of that fantastic deal you got on all those keys!!! We have been to every thrift store and flea market in a 100 mile radius and never found anything like that. One lady at the Mobile flea market wanted $3 a key. She said, "I get that all day long." You scored a total jackpot there.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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