30 Words: Sunset

There’s no place I would rather be
Then on the beach or out at sea.
With my lover seated next to me,
We’ll sail the sunset right in; to eternity.

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...

Take an image.
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Share it on Erin's Treasure's Found blog.


  1. Wonderful picture! And the poem even rhymes, something I can't appear to do!

    1. Eric- Thanks so much! I'm actually a little weirded out by the rhyming. It makes the whole thing feel somewhat corney and hokey. But, the sentiment is there and it's true so I let it be. It is what it is.

  2. Replies
    1. Nadine- I can't wait for the water to warm up a little more so we can take out our little sailboat (it's a Hobie Kayak sailboat so you HAVE to touch the water.) For now, just being near the water makes me happy enough. . .I guess. ;) Thank you for dropping by!

  3. Absolutely beautiful sunset picture. And who wouldn't want to sail into the sunset with their lover.

  4. Such a great sunset (?) It makes me want to traveling again.
    Such sweet words too!

  5. Ooh - that is definitely a 'wish I was there' photo! I like the rhyming :)

    1. Lesley- I'm glad you like the rhyming. I wasn't too sure about it myself but it just comes out that way sometimes. Ha.

  6. That is a beautiful shot but the piers look so lonely to me. That could be a good thing, romantic.

    1. Once it starts to warm up, everyone will have their boats out of dry storage and lined up in the docks I'm sure. It'll be much less. . .romantic and definitely harder to get a clear shot like this one. Thanks!

  7. Love that photo! And you are right, our pics are polar opposites this week... I'd rather be in yours than watching the snow pouring down! I'm glad I'm safe inside for the night.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you stayed cozy and warm. :)

  8. Replies
    1. Jean- I think that's the dream for most of us isn't it? One day right? :)

  9. That's sweet! Love the photo, too!

  10. Oh boy! That is so gorgeous! God really does have a magnificent paintbox, don't you think? I am in need of some Vitamin D of the sunny kind in the middle of this bleakness. Thank you for joining in the 30 Words Challenge! Enjoy the day. Erin


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