30 Words: Fire

A light in the darkness
Warmth from the cold
Survival to some
Destruction for others.
It lit our way out of caves
And gave us the spark to be more.

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...

Take an image.
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Share it on Erin's Treasure's Found blog.


  1. Wow! The candle drew me into this and the words are stellar!

    1. Eric- Thanks so much. I was at a loss this week, but found the candle pic buried in my saved files. It worked out perfectly. :) I appreciate you stopping in.

  2. A beautiful photo and lovely words.

  3. Great shot! And words of truth.

    1. Thank you! Fire, and a burning candle in particular, have so many meanings. I had a hard time deciding on a direction for this, so I started at the beginning. eep!!

  4. Really like both the picture and the words that are with it.

  5. Love it! I love the photo, too!
    great shot!

  6. This brings me right back to my roots for sure.
    thank you! a beautiful photo as well! jean

    1. Jean, I was totally pulled all the way back to the roots of fire for some reason. I can't even explain where that came from. I'm pleased you like! :)

  7. Really nice, Hope! And I've been meaning to ask... where in Alabama are you from? I grew up in Huntsville and I've got family all around the state. :)

    1. Thanks so much!
      I'm FROM Mobile, but now I live across the Bay from it in Fairhope. I've got quite a few friends in Huntsville myself. . .and all around the state. Nice to meet another Alabamian!

    2. I LOVE Mobile and have quite a bit of family around there still. We used to spend every spring break and quite a few Thanksgivings there at my great aunt's place on Dog River.

    3. That's so cool. . .even weirder, I have a great aunt who lives on Dog River. She lives WAY upriver though and we never got in the water up there. :)

  8. How very powerfully archetypal! I love the connect to the allegory of the cave. All things are a double-edged sword, that gives life and can take it away. Nice!

    1. I'm so glad you saw so much in my few words. Thank you. Sometimes the words get away from before I even have a chance to think about them. I think they all came together. :)

  9. Lovely inviting photo. Stirring inspiring words.
    Thank you for joining the Challenge! Enjoy the day! Erin

  10. Both the image and your words captured my attention - thank you x

  11. Loved the poem and the photo! So powerful!

  12. Wow! Great photo! Your 30 words are wonderful.


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