Menu and Recipe Review (Jan 20)

A weekend with the nieces means a weekend of junk food, eating out, and avoiding my carefully planned menu. This weekend was one of THOSE. As such, there's some repeats on this week's menu and I didn't  even bother to change our breakfast and lunch options from last week (so they're not included on this week's post.)

Pad Thai soup (from freezer)
Baked ravioli w/salad
Spicy peanut butter tofu w/green beans and boiled potatoes


Recipe Review

Delicious ham and potato soup: As always, a winner in our house!

Lemon garlic spaghetti: So simple, so tasty! I will make this again.

I apologize for being so short today but I'll leave you with the newest (re)listed item in my shop
Marooned Necklace
Happy Monday y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I just listed you on my sidebar under Gulf Coast/Alabama blogs. Can't believe I didn't already have you listed. Plans are being made for a South Alabama bloggers event, so stay posted. Kim from CoziNest is organizing, so make sure you check in with her every now and then. She's also on my sidebar!
    And on another note, Lemon Garlic Spaghetti is one of my favorites!


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