Tidbits and Bobbins

I know I've been a bit absent here lately and I feel like all I've had to share was what I am eating. I do apologize. I've been really busy on a project and can't seem to focus on much else. While relaxing a little this morning, I've been going through my neglected blog feeds. Since I don't have much of my own stuff to share with you, I figured I could at least share some of the other online bits that caught my eye. (Many of these are Christmas related so I apologize to those of you who don't celebrate the holiday.)




So that's what's caught my eye so far. . .and now it's time to get back to my busy-ness. 
Thanks for bearing with me. 


  1. Hope, you can blog about food all the time. I admire all your work with taking photos and writing your menus and reviews too. I think you are getting a great cook. Have a nice weekend. Ana

  2. That electronic waste jewelry is AWESOME!!! I went to the link and both pieces are so edgy and totally wearable.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...