Weekly Menu and New in the Shop

Since I just put tonight's dinner in the oven, I suppose I should share this week's menu with you before it slips my mind.

Breakfasts: Cereal, Yogurt w/granola, Juice, Waffles or Pancakes (from freezer), Blueberry Muffins, Egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches (on wheat hamburger buns) [all with fruit]

Lunches: PB&J w/fruit & cheese, Chicken salad sandwiches w/fruit, Soup w/grilled cheese, Bean burritos w/all the fixins, Sesame noodles w/veggies, Leftovers, Cheese pizza (from freezer) w/small salad

Taco Soup
Cheese ravioli with marinara w/salad

Unfortunately, I've gotten all off track with my recipe reviews so I don't have one for you. Besides, nothing we've had lately really stands out as something I want to recommend or give my two cents on. Instead, let me show off some of the new items in the Etsy Shop.
Roman Empress Necklace
Shabbified Necklace
And these two pairs of earrings were just re-listed.
Textured Washers Earrings
Happy Flower Earrings
 I hope your Monday has been a lovely one and that you're not already behind like I am!


  1. I love the washer earrings! Have a good monday!

  2. Menu sounds yummy!

    1. Thanks Christina! I'm really looking forward to the chicken tonight and hope that it is as yummy as it sounds. :)

  3. Menu sounds yummy!

  4. Hi Hope,
    Ya know one of these days I am going to show up at your door for dinner, because you dinner menu always sound so yummy. LOL Beautiful pieces I just love the tiny copper washer earrings.


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