My Loot from Fanciful Devices

I don't know if you follow Marina at Fanciful Devices or not, but you totally should. She makes the most amazing tribal, crusty, grungy jewelry. As well, she's hilarious in a very random, haphazard sort of way. I love her posts; they're full of eye-candy as well as humor. In August, right at her birthday, she received several packages of awesome from another designer who was de-stashing. She received SO MUCH that she decided to give some of the awesome away. I happened luck up and be one of the several chosen to receive a package from her. I've been so busy I forgot to show off what she sent me. This is a little picture heavy, please forgive me.
Let's start with the fact that this package was busting at the seams from the time I opened it. I restrained myself from just tearing into everything and made sure I took pictures as I pawed though and sorted all the yummy bits.

I started by taking one of the baggies of beads and dumping them into a bowl.

For size reference, here's my big bowl next to the packaging.

I methodically sorted all the beads.

Look closer
Yes. . .so much cool stuff!

Then I hit the second baggie.

And sorted it.

There was an old jewelry box included in the package, and who knew what could be in it. . .

Yup. More awesome!

Then there was all the random pieces scattered in the box: seed beads

Plastic pearl cabs and glass beads

Interesting metal bits

And the treasure below (that daisy piece on the bottom left is a snippet of hand-painted tin!!)

This bit of a druzy piece really excited me.

I even have to show you my space (in the floor of course) for sitting and sorting. That big area in the middle is where a Hope was.

Needless to say, Marina really spoiled those of us who lucked up and won her birthday giveaway. Thank you!! Now, to get my booty in gear and use these wonderful bits!


  1. Love the druzy and the tin snippet. I recevied a box too and tore into it as I was walking back from the mail box. Many of the beads I received are the same as yours. I haven't used any yet as I just like looking at them for now.

  2. Cool stash~ can' t wait to see how you transform it :-D

    1. Thanks Tammie! I've just got to break down and stop hoarding it first!! ;)

  3. Lucky you Hope, that is quite a stash of goodies. I know you will have fun using these in your designs.

  4. what a great box of loot, Hope! there are lots of fantastic beads in there~have fun!!!


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