Menu, Recipe Review, and a New Recipe (Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Mushrooms)

With yesterday being Labor Day, I shirked many of my usual responsibilities including worrying about the menu for the week. Oops! Here it is now.

Breakfasts: Oatmeal/cheese grits, Juice, Yogurt w/granola & fruit, Omelets, Jam filled almond muffins

Lunches: Leftovers, BBQ tofu pizza, Soup w/grilled cheese, Bean burritos, Pizza rolls, Turkey sandwiches

Crock pot brown and maple sugar pork tenderloin w/sweet potatoes & roasted cauliflower
Veggie and tofu stir fry over jasmine rice
Fontal polenta with mushroom saute w/salad & green beans
Cheese ravioli w/marinara sauce

It should be good! I'm linking up to Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Recipe Review

Last week didn't go completely according to plan, so there's only one recipe for me to review right now.

Southwestern Broccoli Quiche:  For a quiche, this wasn't too bad. We both had seconds, but we didn't touch the leftovers. I may make it again, but not too soon as this was the third quiche I've ever made and Pat's response was that it's three times more quiche than he's ever had in his life. It seems I may need to find other meatless alternatives. . .sigh.


New Recipe

Last week I got the chance to test out a new recipe. It was something I was kinda craving, but couldn't find just the right recipe for it, so I made it up myself. I'm calling it Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Mushrooms (there's a complete list of ingredients and instructions at the bottom)
Gather ingredients and preheat oven to 350 degree (somehow there's no olive oil in this picture)

Remove stems and gills from the inside of the mushrooms

Chop these into smaller bits

Combine these innards with some chopped jalapenos and minced garlic

Mix cream cheese, green onions, 1 cup of grated cheese, bacon bits, and panko

Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with olive oil. Place mushrooms empty side down on baking sheet and spray tops with olive oil (or lightly coat using olive oil and a paper towel.) Bake for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, add your fat (oil, bacon grease, etc.) to a pan and heat it on Medium. Then add your chopped mushrooms, jalapenos, and garlic. Cook these until there's little to no liquid (about 5 minutes). 

Remove mushroom caps from oven and let cool while you stir together the jalapeno mix and sour cream mix until well combined.

Stuff the mushrooms with the mixture and top each mushroom with 1 Tbs of cheese. Bake for 10-15 minutes (until sides of mushrooms start sagging/flattening)

They're not the prettiest things in the world, but they were tasty!
Here's the whole list of instructions for easier viewing.

Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Mushrooms
Olive oil or non-stick spray
1 Tbs fat of your choice (coconut oil, olive oil, bacon grease, etc)
4 large portobello mushroom caps
1-2 Jalapenos (depending on your spicy preference), diced small
3 Cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 cup Green onions, sliced
4oz Cream Cheese, softened
1/3 cup Bacon bits (or crumbled bacon)
1 1/4 cup cheese, divided (I used both cheddar and monterey jack, but whatever you like is fine)
1/4 cup Panko bread crumbs
salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Chop/mince veggies
  3. Remove mushroom stems and gills with a spoon and chop
  4. Spray baking sheet with olive oil
  5. Place mushrooms on baking sheet, tops up. Spray tops of mushrooms with olive oil (or coat with oil using a paper towel) and sprinkle with salt and pepper
  6. Bake mushrooms for 5 minutes, then remove and let cool
  7. Mix sour cream, green onions, 1 cup of cheese, bacon bits, and panko in a bowl.
  8. Heat fat on medium in a pan. Add jalapenos, mushroom innards, and garlic and cook for about 5 minutes (until liquid cooks down)
  9. Add jalapeno mixture to sour cream mixture and stir until well combined. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Stuff mushrooms with the mixture and top with the remaining cheese
  11. Bake in oven for 10-15 minutes

I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!


  1. My mouth is watering!! These look so delish. Thanks for the recipe, Hope.

  2. I shirked a lot of things on Monday as well and it felt pretty good. Plus my daughter has been very sick and it was good to just be lazy with her.

    Our family doesn't like mushrooms but your stuffed mushrooms sound wonderful. Thanks for sharing your menu with us each week.

  3. We love mushrooms, Hope. As a matter of fact I might make this at lunch time when just Hubby is home, so we can eat double helpings... mwaahaahaa

  4. I'm just getting my menu together today! I do not like mushrooms but your filling for them sounds great! Maybe as a dip?

    1. Jean, Isn't it crazy how a three day weekend can throw us entirely off our game!? The filling was great. I actually got the idea from this stuffed chicken I've made a few times before (

      I always have leftover 'stuffing' and have actually eaten it as a dip! :) I appreciate you taking the time to stop in!

  5. Hope, I always enjoy reading your recipes and hearing your reviews. Unfortunately the majority of my family - kids - don't like mushrooms too much, but I bet they will grow to like them! :-)


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