Focusing on Life 39: Your Best Shot

I thought about this prompt all week. I really did ponder what my best shot is/was.
Like my life in general, my mind turned to thoughts of the beach. I initially thought about my sunrise photos from Spring Break 2012, but I already shared some of those pictures for another Focusing on Life prompt. Then it hit me that the same picture I'm using as the background on my laptop would be perfect.

This was taken about three years ago when Pat and I vacationed in Aruba. I really love the sailboat crossing in front of the sun and the lovers embracing on the left.

I'm still not sure that this is my BEST shot, but definitely one of my most memorable. Make sure you check out what some of the other participants consider their best shot (check out the links below) and visit Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime, to see more about the Focusing on Life series.


  1. Well, if not your best shot, then pretty darn close! Lovely image!

  2. A gorgeous photo! I love that you captured the sail boat against the sun. I have always loved sunset and sunrise photos.

  3. I'm always a sucker for a beach/water shot. Love it!

    1. Adrienne, ME TOO!! I'm so happy you like it too :)

  4. It's amazing how wonderful the sun and sea is in the Islands, and to see it each time you turn on your computer ~ WOW.

    1. Marlene, Oh yes, of course, I'll take the beach any day. This photo helps me kinda be there! :) I appreciate you popping in!

  5. Oh man, those colors are just awesome. What a great shot for sure. Definitely a 'best' in my book!!

    1. Shel, You are so sweet! I was just so pleased that we took the time away from all the vacation-ing to go out on the beach with the camera and get this shot. It worked out perfectly. I'm very glad you like it too!

  6. Really nice, Hope. Looks like timing was everything!

    1. Janet, I guess so. We saw lots of sunsets in Aruba, but most of the time were without the good camera or were too busy eating, swimming, etc. to get the shots. I think we lucked up with this one! Thank you.

  7. Lovely sunset. Aruba has such great beaches!

  8. Its quite the gorgeous shot Hope. I think the clouds, their texture totally makes it. The boat is very special, but I have a soft spot for beautiful clouds

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to hop by!

  10. That is stunning!! Just gorgeous :)

  11. Wonderful shot! Love the colour...

  12. What a wonderful, wonderful shot! The boat against the sunset is amazing.


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