Quick Update Amid our Staycation

I just wanted to pop in and let y'all know that Pat and I are taking a bit of a Staycation this week. While we are still at home, we're trying to enjoy some down time. Here's just a snippet of some of the fun we've already enjoyed.
While kayaking on Fish River, we spotted this. I just love how the trees bend over the small opening to form a natural tunnel from the river into a little cove.

Yesterday we decided to take our sailboat out to Johnson Beach in Florida. The weather was a little sketchy, but there were intermittent views like the one above.

So, we're living it up on this Staycation and I'll be back later to show you more pictures of our beautiful area. However, it's time for me to get back to the fun.

But first, this bracelet was re-listed
Twist of Fate bracelet
  In reality, today's plans include some tasks we need to take care of like running to the bank and cleaning items in the yard. Yup, STAYcation. Ha! Here's hoping you're making the most of what's left of your summer too.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! I especially like the one at Johnson Beach. We've never done a staycation, probably because I continually have the itch to travel. Enjoy your stacation!!!


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