Returning Home and Planning my Week

I'm running a little behind this week after not getting in from out of town until LATE Sunday night and spending most of yesterday recovering from all the fun and excitement. As such, let me just try to catch up.

You may remember all the baggies of beads I mentioned last week that I was taking with me on my trip. I did get a brief chance to break into them, but this was as far as I got!

Now that I'm home, I don't really have time to complete that necklace since the Bead Hoarder's Blog Hop is this Saturday and I haven't even started on my hoarded treasures yet. Though, I have narrowed the pile down to these beauties.

I need to make something with at least one of those before the week's out. Wish me luck!

Though I miss my Rainbow friends, it's good to be home from the convention. While the food there wasn't bad at all, I tend to have my nerves so tied in knots that I don't eat well. I'm looking forward to some home food now that I have my menu made. Here's what I have planned.

Breakfasts: Cereal, Juice, Cinnamon sugar croissants, Pancakes, Cheese Omelets

Lunches: Leftovers, Tuna noodles, PB&J, Bean burritos, Soup w/grilled cheese, Chicken salad roll-up, Snack lunch

Dinners: (we've got a busy week so there are very few days that we're both home at the same time so this is a short list)
MyRecipes Mushroom Lasagna
Sticky Chicken from Six Sisters' Stuff
My mouth's watering just looking at the above list!
What do you have planned for the week?


  1. mushroom lasagna looks yummy!

    1. Debbie, It was really tasty. However, it seemed to take FOREVER to make and dirtied quite a few dishes. I may make it again and try to streamline the process. The first time I make a recipe it always seems to take a while to work through it.


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