Happy Mail

Today was one of those days when I was happy to check the mailbox. I found it loaded with three packages all addressed to me! I just wanted to show off the awesomeness.

Two of the packages were my winnings from the CBC 2000 giveaways.
First were these beautiful lentil beads from Kimberly Rogers of Numinosity!

As well, there was the kit for me to make the hydrangea patten from Sherri Stokely at Knot Just Macrame.

In addition, I received a larger package from Cindy Cima Edwards.
I had purchased some items from a de-stash sale she was having.

As well, she and I had decided to have a bit of a swap. She sent me a bundle of goodies.
She included some ICE Resin and some ICED Enamels with some Medium for it.

As if that wasn't enough, she included all these other goodies.
Yummy, right!?

Oh, and do you see the awesome resin-ed heart that I'm sure Cindy made.
It looks like some of the amazing work that can be found in her Zimaj etsy shop.

I can't wait to play with each and every bit that was contained in these packages. I do love me some happy mail. Have you received anything awesome in the post lately?


  1. Hey you cleaned up! Lucky girl have some fun. Todaymy mailbox had a key in it - which means there is something in the bigger mailbox for me. My first Rio catalogue. For now I think I have to hide iti a shelf and tryto forget its there!

  2. You did get some Happy mail today! Those lentil beads are lovely!
    Thanks for the shout out on my box - yes, I did make the resin heart pendant.
    Would love to see what you create with all your happy mail!

  3. Lucky you! I hope you didn't attack the mail carrier....just kidding.

  4. All sorts of loveliness arrived in your mailbox!! The lentil beads are gorgeous and you received so many fabulous goodies from Cindy!!

  5. Ooh...pretty! Have fun!!

    1. I will just as soon as I can get some time to play with those beauties. For now I'm having fun as my nieces have come to stay the weekend with us. ;)

  6. Definitely what I call a happy mail day! Can't wait to see what you make of your haul.

  7. I like the term 'happy mail'
    If only all post was this good!
    You are going to have lots of fun with all those lovely goodies :-)

    1. Lizzie, YES I would love to get mail like this everyday. Of course, then I'd be overrun with awesomeness and wouldn't know what to do with myself. It's already a problem! :) Thanks so much for swinging by.


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