Focus on Life Week 30: Capture the Sun

I have a bit of an addiction to taking pictures of the sun. Whether it's the sun and clouds in the sky, the sun glinting off the water, the sun peeking through branches of a tree, sunrises, sunsets, or any of the other beauty that comes with sunlight I'm all over it.

After getting Sally's prompt for this week, I only had to flip through my phone to find some perfect examples for this week. Oh, and all these were also taken while on/near bodies of water (which I also have an addiction to.)
Spanish Fort, AL Causeway

Fish River, AL

Orange Beach, AL
Yeah, I've got a problem. . .

Oh, and this prompt had me singing this song most of the week also.
Check in over at Sally's blog, the Studio Sublime for more sunshine.


  1. Stunning photos, I LOVE the last one it makes me wish I lived nearer a beach!

    1. Niky,
      That one is my favorite as well. It makes me grateful I do live close to the beach, but also makes me wish I lived closer. I'm glad you like them. Thanks!

  2. Gorgeous photos! I have the same addiction as you: I can't stop taking photos of the sky and of its splendor. Have a nice weekend. Ana

  3. Gorgeous photos!!! I love that you caught the sun's rays in all the photos. And for the record I don't see taking photos of the sun by water as a bad thing. You are honoring God's creations!

  4. Beautiful photos! Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow, spectacular photos - I love the clouds in the first one - they look so moody and atmospheric.

  6. Wow....what a great addiction....I too love the sun, it is just for while recently, here in FL, it hasn't really been around. AND I LOVE the Beatles....thanks for sharing!

    1. Vera,
      Thanks so much! Yeah, I'm in South Alabama and it's been overcast here too. I'm glad I've got shots like these to remind me of what the sun looks like! ;) Here's hoping it clears up for both of us soon!

  7. Ahh you captured those rays so perfectly. As Monique said: "God's Flashlight"!

    1. Marlene,
      Thank you! I do love me some rays of light!I appreciate you stopping by! :)

  8. Love those first two pictures with the clouds!

  9. Sun-in-the=sky pictures can be tricky. Good job!

  10. Beautiful pics!!

  11. All beautiful photos! Looks like you had a good week.

    1. Thank you! But, these weren't all taken this week. I cheated a bit and went back through some of the pictures I'd already taken. I believe that last one goes all the way back to February. Thanks though!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous. Shows why so many of us love to live on or near the water.

    1. Patty, Thank you! Yes I hope it does. I'm such a waterbaby that I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else, regardless of how the sun photographed ;)


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