Blogpocalypse: The End is near (of Google Reader, that is)

With GoogleReader going kaput as of TOMORROW, I know many people are scrambling for new ways to collect and read their favorite blogs. I decided several months ago to try out and use TheOldReader simply because it felt somewhat familiar. However, I'm seeing a lot of creatives mentioning  Bloglovin  as a popular choice so far. If you are leaning in the Bloglovin direction, please don't forget to follow my blog with Bloglovin too.

Goodbye, old friend

However, if you are still undecided here are a few posts that give you more info on some of the alternatives.
Of course, doing a search will yield tons of results. However, do it FAST as time's a tickin'!!


  1. Today I've signed in to Bloglovin'. It seems easy to use. Don't have much experience so I can't tell what the pros and cons are. Have a nice week. Ana

  2. I tried feedly, but i've kinda given up on a reader and i'm just reading them from the blog roll on my blog

  3. I'm still using my blogger dashboard to save my favorites. If they are not a blogger blog I subscribe by email. Crossing my fingers that Blogger doesn't take away the dashboard links.

  4. Like Alice, I use my Blogger's dashboard to follow my favourite blogs and will continue to do so, but I have added the bloglovin button to my blog for those who want to use that option.

    1. Hey, whatever works for you! I just like to have all my blogs in one place and a reader works best for me. I do think having plenty of options for ways for people to follow you is a good thing as well, so I'm glad you do have the bloglovin' button. I now have to add it to my list of buttons on the right. Sigh. The work's never done with this blogging thing is it?


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