Summertime Begins

So how was everyone's Memorial Day?
Pat and I spent every day of the long weekend on the water.
Styx River in LA (lower Alabama)

We never quite made it to the Gulf, but I'm sure we'll be headed down there in the next few days for sure.  Since summer break has officially started for the nieces and their day camp doesn't start until Monday, I offered to let them stay with us for most of the week. The oldest had other plans to stay with a friend (at 13, this has already started. . .GAH!) But the youngest was more than happy to spend her week with me. As such, my blogging and creating has suffered, but we're having a blast nonetheless.

We spent Tuesday afternoon on Styx River (see picture at top of page) with my MIL and BIL. Yesterday, we started off with some Geocaching. Little-bit thought she would go in disguise, but that didn't last long.
This fake mustache would have MELTED off her face had she worn it much longer

It was HOT as all get-out yesterday so by lunchtime we were D.O.N.E. with the outside...well, except to walk around downtown to Mr Gene's Beans for a cool treat.
I just love all the colors as the melty mini M&Ms.

After spending some time in the air conditioned theater watching Epic (it was awesome!), we ended the day with a few rounds of Rummikub. It was little-bit's first time playing and I had to re-learn it myself (it's been so long since I played.)
We each won a round. I think that's fair.

All in all, we're having a great time. I'm not sure exactly what today will hold (maybe some car-washing, maybe time at the bookstore, maybe some arts & crafts, maybe a trip to the Gulf), but I do know we'll have some more fun.

What activities do you have planned this summer? Here's hoping it's starting off with a bang too!!


  1. Oh Hope it sounds like you had a great time. Last summer was such a wash out here in the UK both weather wise and just life in general that I am longing for this summer to begin, just a few more weeks at College and I'll be free for a couple of months, can't wait!!

  2. You are so lucky! Here in Washington, we have been getting grey, dreary days with lots of rain.

  3. oh how fun! a whole week to just have fun with your niece .... enjoy!

    1. Cynthia, We did have a good time. I've even got a few more pictures to share of our activities but that'll have to wait for now. I even got to spend part of a day with the oldest when I picked her up from her friends' rv campsite yesterday. It's been a full week though and I'm ready for some normalcy to my schedule. Thanks for taking a look. I hope your summer is treating you well so far.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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