Menu and the Photoshop Timesuck

I feel like I'm finally coming up for air. I've been working on a particular project for several weeks and then got involved in editing pictures for it. I adore editing pictures. I know. . .weird, sick obsession. There's just something about taking an okay picture and really trying to get the best out of it. I lose track of time while editing pictures. Really. Doesn't everyone have an activity that's a total timesuck for them? Just me?

Anyway. . .in the midst of all that, I was able to get my meals planned for the week along with the shopping done. Thank goodness I started on that BEFORE I opened the Photoshop! So here's what we'll most likely be chowing down on this week.

Breakfasts: Yogurt w/granola, Juice, Eggs w/toast & fruit, Cereal, Muffins

Lunches: Tuna noodles, Ham and cheese quesidillas, Juice, PB&J, Pita pizzas

Tofu w/corn & rice mix
Roasted shrimp and veggies (carrots, potatoes, zucchini)

Sounds delish to me! What's on your menu this week? Share it for Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Now to dive back into the Photoshop and get some of my jewelry photos edited so I can list some new stuff soon. Wouldn't that be a miracle?


  1. Great post. Exactly, there are some of those real time suckers. And I need some menu planning support too. Thanks. Will hop to that site. Book marked. Dita

  2. Anindita- I hope you did hop over there, I believe she had some tips on making meal planning easier on her post yesterday. Best of luck! :)


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