Menu Plan Monday, Just like a Monday

The weekend was either too long or not long enough, if you know what I mean. I spent the majority of it on a car trip and then recovering from that same trip. I was ready for the weekend to be over, but I also just wanted another day to re-coup. I guess getting back to my weekday routine may have been just what I needed. However, it all resulted in today being fairly slow moving. (The rain didn't help.)

I did plod along slow and steady and accomplished several tasks like finally starting to get my tax stuff together (geesh), making meals, grocery shopping, and getting the menu made. All that was really left to do was blog. . .eek! So let me mark that off the list and share my menu for the week.

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, Juice, Cinnamon sugar twists, Smoothies, Eggs w/bacon & toast

Lunches: PB&J, Juice, Soup w/grilled cheese, Tuna noodles, Cheese quesidillas

Sauteed tofu w/zucchini tots & sweet potatoes
BBQ tofu pizza w/salad

Tonight's dinner (the mushroom pasta and broccoli) was awesome. I really adore that broccoli recipe. You should totally try it!

Now to prep for another long day tomorrow. I hope your Monday went a little more smoothly.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your trip was good. I know even short trips can be exhausting with the prepration before, and catching up when you are back.

    That broccoli sounds yummy. None of my kid like broccoli but I think I need to try it.


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