I was Published

Somehow I've absolutely failed to mention that I have a design in the current issue of Jewelry Stringing Magazine (Spring 2013).

If you've got a copy, just flip to page 24 and you'll see one of the below designs featured. If you don't have a copy. . .why not? Ha!

The above are all the designs that I actually submitted for consideration for the Spring issue. Two of them are going to be taken apart/reworked while the other two will hopefully get photographed today for the Etsy shop.

This was my first time getting published and I've been so beyond thrilled that I think I didn't want to over-do my excitement so I let the magazine coming out simply slip by without mention. I had to rectify that! Copies of Jewelry Stringing Spring 2013 are still on news stands.


  1. How wonderful, congratulations

  2. Congratulations! I'm checking my issue now. Previously I only had time to flip through.

  3. Well done! I am so happy for you.

  4. Congrats Hope! That is great news!!! You must have been so giddy holding that magazine and seeing YOUR OWN WORK in there!!!

  5. Congrats Hope, that is awesome. I have a couple things scheduled to come out in Bead Trends this spring & summer..I can hardly wait. Great Job!! :-D

  6. So happy for you! I think each of your designs is deserving, so I'm just going to have to go out and grab this issue so I can see which one made it in!

  7. Thanks y'all. I feel so blessed to have gotten a chance to be included in such a great magazine. It's a dream come true!

  8. Woot! Congratulations to you -- well deserved! Now to get to the bookstore to find a copy....

  9. Congrats and heck yes. You should be blowing your horn and leading the marching band.

  10. Congrats on publication!!

    I’m part of the bead soup party. Looking forward to the reveals. I'm now following you. I have a new blog. Please consider following my jewelry blog. Thanks.

  11. Kathy- Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and introducing yourself. I;m heading over to your blog now to check it out :)

  12. Congratulations on being published! Loved your pieces.


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