Focusing on Life Week 11: The Possibilities are Endless

I totally have known all week what I would post for this past week's "Focusing on Life" prompt of The Possibilities are Endless.
Last year about this time, we went on Spring Break to the beach with some friends and their kids. One morning I actually awoke early enough to watch the sunrise and I made sure to snap PLENTY of pictures of it as well.
As the sun began to peek over the horizon, I knew that a new day had indeed dawned and The Possibilities were Endless as to what that day could hold.

Each day offers up to us an array of endless possibilities if we just take that opportunity. Yesterday I totally spent the day exploring the possibilities with my hubby and didn't quite get the chance to write about this as I should have. So here I am sunburned and slightly hungover wondering what TODAY can hold.

Here's hoping you make the most of each day as well. And, if you get a chance you can check out how other participants interpreted 'the possibilities are endless' over on Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.


  1. Hi Hope,
    The sunrises are gorgeous. You becareful out there in the Alabama sun sipping on your favorite beverage.

  2. Those are gorgeous photos. I love clouds and sunsets (as does the kiddo) and it's always a treat to see pictures of them.

  3. I totally agree that watching a sunrise can be very very invigorating and at the same time grounding. We are just so powerless in front of nature, but that very nature provides us with endless possibilities!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous sunrise! I so agree with you. My post this week is about the sunrise too! :)

  5. That is a fantastic representation of the subject for the week. Your sunrise shots are amazing! Each day does hold endless possibilities.

  6. Thank you for reminding me that each day is a gift. I need to remember that. :)

  7. Wow - these are awesome pictures - same view - different look! I have never been able to capture the beauty of a sunrise or sunset on camera...Hope your head is better! :)

  8. Sumi- You are so right! I do love nature and try to appreciate that beauty that surrounds us as often as I can. Thank you!

  9. Beautiful photos of a new dawn.

  10. Outstanding pics and good story too.

  11. Lovely photos! What a perfect spot to ponder "the possibilities are endless" - Nice!

  12. Lutka- Thank you so much! I thought so too. I do appreciate you taking the time to pop in :)


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