Year of Jewelry Week 6 and BSBP Sneaky Peek

This week has totally been a 'cram it all in' kind of week and I fear that it's taking its toll. I just want to lay down for a while or play some video games. Wouldn't it be cool to play a video game while taking a nap? Yeah, see. . .I'm totally off-kilter right now. I may share some of this week's excitement later, but for now let me just catch up a little.

First, is my completed project for the Year of Jewelry Week 6. This week's prompt was Embrace. As soon as I read the prompt, I couldn't help but think of a hug. Seriously, a hug. I know. . .I'm 12. Anyway, it became apparent that to see this vision through, I would have to WRAP something somehow. After scrounging through my supplies, I came across a filigree butterfly and a flat-backed teal flower. Well. . .we all know how much butterflies love flowers, so this one is hugging a pretty, pretty flower.
I added some Vintaj brass chain and some teal czech glass flowers for a match made in heaven.

I think think necklace is as simple, comforting, and uncomplicated as a warm hug.

It works for me!
Check out the amazing work made by the other artists in the Year of Jewelry Facebook group for this prompt.

Also, I received my partner for the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party. This time around, my partner is none other than the awesome Cheryl Foiles from Get Your Bead On. Check out her Facebook Page, Etsy Store, and Blog. I'm so very excited. I was able to get her bead soup sent out to her this morning so I thought I'd share a little peek at what she's getting. (I hope I've distorted it enough to not give away the surprise.)
I've already gotten my post scheduled for tomorrow's Focusing on Life reveal. I hope you'll be back to check it out.


  1. Is it weird that I love the distorted bead soup photo? It looks like a Seurat painting.

    Also, the rose wrapped up in filigree is just gorgeous. :)

  2. I reaaaaaaallly liked that necklace!

  3. Stopping by all the blogs taking part in the beadsoup cant wait to see what you make!

  4. Vovsblog- Thanks for popping in! :)

  5. I received the soup and it is OUTSTANDING!!! I love the variety of beads -- so many possibilities. I'm so happy to have you as a partner for this hop -- thanks for the great soup!!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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