Focusing on Life week 8: Monochromatic

This week's prompt for Sally Russick's Focusing on Life series had me learning another feature of my camera. I haven't really messed with the features since the first week when I tried out the self timer, so I was grateful for this prompt Sally. We were to set our camera on the Monochromatic setting and click away.

I was a bit taken aback with this. Though I am a great admirer of black and white photos, I do like me lots of bright color and try to surround myself with it. Pushing that aside, I found myself just snapping pictures randomly around the house.
Asia was my first unsuspecting victim. You can tell she wasn't very amused.

With an overcast day outside and wet floors inside (I had just finished mopping) I stuck to the craft room for the rest of my attempts.
This rainbow-hued pinwheel with the button jar landscape behind it was hard to resist.

And, a bowlful of mother of pearl buttons sitting nearby may have been my favorite subject in this image quest.

But, after the buttons I thought that one of my other collections might also make a great subject in monochrome. I'm pretty sure I was right about it.

What is it about black and white that makes photos more professional looking? I'm sure to play with this setting again and again. Thanks for the push in this direction Sally!

You can see more Monochromatic images over at Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.


  1. Your button and key photos are very nice in black & white but I must admit that Asia's expression is priceless!

  2. I really should have taken a picture of my black cat sitting in a snow bank! Doubt if she would have been amused though! Think I like the buttons the best... although the pinwheel is a close second, and who can resists a cats face!

  3. Oh my your cat is beautiful, she has such a cute face,
    and buttons and keys all in one post, how fantastic!

  4. your kitty is very regal - it's a very 'we are not amused' expression :)
    i adore the buttons and keys pics!

  5. The expression on Asia's face is my favorite part! Have a great weekend!

  6. Wow... Asia looks so regal in this photo. You did really well in finding stuff at home to capture. - Michelle #16 this week

  7. Oh my, I love the pic of Asia - she's adorable. Even if she isn't happy about sitting pretty for a photo. Awesome shots all around, but the those buttons and especially those keys - wow. I want to come to your house and play!!

  8. Gorgeous photos. I love the last two. The keys look great in black and white.

  9. Love the expression on Asia's face. Plus am envious of your key collection.

  10. The cat looks too funny!! Love it!

    The keys look so cool in black and white!

    (no. 43 this week)

  11. LOVE your picture of Asia - that is frame-worthy!! but isn't it funny how when you switch over to black and white your eye goes to shapes and shadow? Great pics!

  12. Hello Ms. look to be a daring full of fun and mischief!!

  13. Love the pinwheel. I like the depth and the shades of gray. Great shots

  14. The cat picture is amazing - such a bright, alert expression :-)

  15. Love your images Hope, the button one is my favorite too, although your kitty is hard to resist as well.

  16. Great pics. They show good contrast. I didn't know that other people had key cans. That one struck a chord with me.

  17. Niky- Thanks! I'm so glad you like my post so much. As far as the cat, she knows it and flaunts it constantly. :)

    Shel- You should see Asia anytime we pull out a camera, especially the video camera. She usually just stops what cute thing she's doing. It's so frustrating. I am glad I was able to get this good picture of her for once. I'm such a hoarder when it comes to any neat jewelry-making item. I really need to stop collecting and start using all that fun stuff. One day. . .

    Mary- Thank you! I lucked up on the keys and found some guy at a flea market that was selling a whole ton of them for a STEAL! I've still got to clean some of the grime off them, but was so excited to find them. It was fate.

    Cynthia- You're right, I might just need to frame that shot of her. At least it's preserved on the blog for now. Thanks so much! I'm glad you like my pictures.

  18. Is it the b&w that makes Asia's face look so intense? I love it! All your photos are fantastic. I will definitely be shooting more in b&w after this.

  19. Wow, that's a lot of keys! And what a great shot it made. You can see all the variations in color. And Asia looks adorable in B&W.

  20. I love the picture of the kitty. Her face is so cute with the big eyes. And I absolutley love your key collection. It is fascinating!

  21. I love the look on Asia's little cat face. It's priceless. That's a notecard if ever I saw one.

  22. Sydny- Thank you so much. I do have a fondness for both of them as well ;) I appreciate you coming by!

    Patty- Asia just looks a little dumbstruck to me in the picture, but I do see all sides of her most days. Thank you so much for popping in!

  23. You're right - they do look more professional! Asia is gorgeous. There's something about her eyes that seem to understand you.

  24. Wow!! Asia's picture is incredible....absolutely frame-worthy! And I just love your collections, especially the mother of pearl buttons. You're so right, there's something about B&W that makes pictures look professional, classic, and important.

  25. Turning our minds towards monochromatic really can be a challenge can't it.

    I think that black and white photos tend to seem more professional because they're simpler than those with color. Suddenly the color palette goes together perfectly because it's monochrome! And it lets us look at value and texture - which your photos have in plenty! Or focus solely on expressions, like Asia's. Very nice!

  26. They're all beautiful. But I'm especially in love with the photo of Asia - gorgeous and lovely depth of field.

  27. Oh. I just love your collections! And your photo of Asia....I have managed to get a few pics where the background fades out but it is always by accident. I have always loved that effect.


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