Focusing on Life Week 6: Feel the Love

As you can probably tell from the above title, this week's prompt for Sally's Focusing on Life series was "Feel the Love." I thought about it all week and then was struck with an idea on Thursday. It's a bit of a narrative (not too, too long though.) You've got to get a feel for the back story. Stick with me.

Meet my baby kitty, Asia. (She's not really the baby of the family, but you can't tell her that.) She is my shadow.

Her second favorite place in the world is my lap.

Now meet Rosalena, our other kitty (she's actually my niece's cat but lives with Pat and me. . .details, whatev.)

Asia DOES NOT like Rosalena. In fact, she is very suspicious of her and sworn her to be her mortal enemy.

However, Asia's first favorite place in the world is a spot of sunshine.

She LOVES the sunshine so much that she would brave this situation to get a sliver.
Yup! Can you "Feel the Love"? (for the sunshine that is).

So, that's my submission for this week's Focusing on Life. Hop over to Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime, to check out how others interpreted the challenge.


  1. who doesn't love a nap in the sun! can't say I blame Asia for braving that situation :)

  2. Cynthia- It was really amazing to witness. The hubs and I stared in awe at how close to each other they were. It was great!

  3. gorgeous kitty pictures!! just love the one of them both in the sun patch :)
    happy saturday!
    no. 18

  4. Love your picture and backstory. I have two cats and the older barely tolerates the younger one, so I enjoyed how Asia loves the sunshine and risked being near Rosalena to be in the sun.

  5. Mary- It sounds like you have a similar situation to mine. You should have seen my husband and myself while that scene took place. We were holding our breath hoping it would last without an explosion of hissing and fur. We got about five minutes of silence. . . ;)

  6. LOL! Perfect!

    I know what you mean by calling her your baby kitty. I still call Daisy my baby and she turns 10 next month. I never had children, but I'm imagining this is how a Mom feels about her kids. : )

  7. Lovely series of pictures, and a cool story. I love how you connected the elements in the story!! I liked the suspiciously peeping cat!!

  8. Lol, great post! Just shows, when you love something that much, you'll do anything!

  9. Cats will go to any length to get some sun

  10. What sweeties! I just woke up from a nap on the couch in the sun with my boys, too. :)

  11. Isn't it interesting how many pet photos there have been?! I guess not surprising since they give such unconditional love. I wonder what the percentage of artists/crafters that have pets? I bet nearly 100%.

    Wish I could have a cat (DH allergies) - yours make me wish it even more.

  12. Most of our cats have had relationships like your two! But every one loves something!

  13. Hahaha, they are both SO cute!!! Seeing all the cat pictures this week is making me want one too!

  14. "I don't like you but I do like sunshine. So I guess I'll have to tolerate you for five minutes." I love the photo of Asia on your lap. Sometimes I think about getting a sibling for Hope but I think she likes being an "only."

  15. I do the same thing for a sliver of sunshine thruogh my south side window at 4 o clock in the afternoon on these cold February days.

    Wonderful photo journal. Dita

  16. Hope, your post is great! That is a true love of sunshine. :)
    I just love the photo of Asia peeking from the shades. Both kitties are adorable.

  17. Great story of two not so loving fur babies, who can share the love of something, if not each other.

  18. What a great story in photos. Your spin on feel the love is making me smile.

  19. Ooh thats a good one. Well done, Asia you fierce feline princess!

  20. HundredColors- I'm so pleased you like it. The suspicious kitty is a personal favorite as well! :) Thanks!

    Patty- They will won't they!? Thank you for popping by!

    Dita- I know what you mean as well. I try to stay as warm as possible on the cold days too. Thank you!!

    Marlene- Yay! I'm glad you like my story. I was pleased it turned out so well.

    Jennifer- HA! I'll tell her you approve. Thanks so much!!

  21. I do feel the sunshine love. *smile* Perhaps some day, it will become more. I'm sure it will.

  22. Your "babies" look so precious and cuddly. So adorable!

  23. It seems the sun is the one thing that ties them together! Love the photo of Asia peeking through the blinds and the last one of them lying next to one another.

  24. I love this story and your pics, too. And the kitties are too cute, both of them. But Asia's eyes - my oh my are they gorgeous!! Definitely feeling the love.

  25. Shel- Thank you! Asia does have some gorgeous blue eyes, and it's so hard to capture them for the camera most of the time. Rosalena's eyes are startling too with their bright yellow. I'm glad you like this post :)


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