I got a chance to be on my own at the end of last week and over the weekend as the hubby ventured out of town without me. It was. . .weird. I realized just how much Pat is my anchor. Without him tying me to the house, I felt like I was free-falling. Other than the need to feed the cats and fish, I felt like I didn't have any reason to be in my own home. Like I said, it was a weird feeling.
As I was floating about during those four days without my anchor, I did take the opportunity to hit up a local antique store. I thought I'd show you the treasures I found.
1. Flat-back chandelier crystal 2. Keyhole (most likely not vintage) 3. Glass pearl beads 4. Tiny glass buttons |
The above are some of the smaller items I found. I was pretty stoked when I found a little section in the back of the store that had bins labeled "buttons", "button cards", "jewelry pieces", etc. Can't you just see me standing back there rummaging through those bins? Both the pearls and the buttons came from there. The crystal and the keyhole were off a hardware-type table with a variety of items.
Rhinestone buttons |
These buttons were my absolute favorite find in the little bins in the back. And, I paid more than I probably should have. . .but LOOK AT THEM!!
Jewelry bits |
The above rhinestone encrusted jewelry bits were also buried in the bins. Cool huh?
Miscellaneous old jewelry |
As I rounded a corner of the shop, a sandwich baggie called out to me and I was thrust toward it. No wonder, as it turned out to be a plethora of old and broken jewelry bits all for five bucks. Not too shabby! The above is what I picked out of it to keep and try to work with.
More old jewelry |
Here (above) are the pieces that I decided just couldn't be bothered with. . .However, as I look at it now I see some possibilities. I guess I need to re-think this batch before I toss it in the donate bin.
All in all, it was a successful little venture of my own. I'm plenty glad Pat's back at home and that we both had a good time. Though, to be honest I know his trip was a bit more fun than my time spent here in town.
Anyway, what do
you do when you have time on your hands and the freedom to go exploring on your own?