Menu Plan Monday

My weekend was ROUGH!! As you can see, that's not just with a capital R, but with ALL the letters capitalized. I was even looking forward to getting back into my Monday routine today, knowing that meant the weekend was over and it was back to the grind. However, I wasn't so lucky. I won't get into the details, but I do want to say that before it all hit the fan I was able to pull a menu for this week together. I can't guarantee we'll be sticking to it, but we'll try. Regardless, I want to share it as proof that I did accomplish something today.

Breakfasts: Leftover casserole, Juice, Cereal w/fruit, omelets w/fruit, Greek yogurt pancakes w/blueberries

Lunches: PB&J w/salad, Tuna noodles w/carrot sticks, Juice, Black bean & corn quesidillas, Soup & grilled cheese

Seven layer tortilla pie
Chicken marsala w/roasted veggies

It sounds delish doesn't it? There's more Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie.

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