I've got Jewelry in Tucson

You may be interested in which (if any) piece(s) ZnetShows requested that I send to them in Tucson. So, I thought I'd share that with you very quickly today.


It should come as no surprise (at least it wasn't to me) that my twisted wire necklace was packed up.

As well, the chandelier-like necklace got packaged and shipped off to Arizona.

Lastly, the single pair of earrings I made won an Honorable Mention!! Exciting right!?

I'm pretty stoked. If you're interested in what other pieces made the list of winning entries hop on over to the ZnetShows blog. There were so many outstanding pieces, I have no idea how they even decided what they wanted designers to send to them. Congrats to the winners!


  1. Lovely pieces!!! A melange in beach glass(it is, isnt it?) and kudos to you!

  2. Hundred- Thank you! Yes, it is a motley crew. . I wish I could figure out my style a bit more. For now, I'll just keep creating what makes me happy ;)

  3. Congrats Hope! This is great news :-) So glad your beauties will be seen by many many people.

  4. Congratulations!!! How exciting for you. I'm really happy. The pieces are gorgeous. I love the wired necklace.

  5. Congrats on winning Honorable Mention with the earrings. I am totally not surprised that they picked these 3 pieces. All 3 blew my socks off too!

  6. Very cool! You're very talented.

  7. Heather- Thanks so much! I'm trying. Some days I just want to bang my head against the wall, but chances like this really re-affirm my belief that I CAN do this thing. Your support means so very much!

  8. Congratulations! All three pieces are wonderful! I just absolutely love those earrings, they are gorgeous! So excited for you!

  9. Congratulations! These are beautiful pieces and I'm not surprised they were picked. How exciting!

  10. A HUGE CONGRATS on your pieces, I love all 3 of those designs, plus you others. Your twisted necklace is the bomb! Thank you so much to for your compliments on my blog... This was a great opportunity and I am very glad things worked out... LOVE your stuff!!!

  11. Woot!! Woot!! you go girl! that is so awesome! and love your designs :)

  12. Cynthia- Thank you!! It's pretty thrilling if I do say so myself. :)

  13. love this blue glass neckpiece!
    Thanks for your visit on my blog!

  14. Tribalis- You are quite welcome. . .and thank YOU! :)


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