Focusing on Life Week 3: Take Time

I haven't had MUCH time to myself all week what with getting ready for my Mardi Gras Ball for Saturday night. So, I'm writing this on Friday and simply showing you what I would be doing if I had the chance to "Take Time", our prompt for this third week of the Focusing on Life photography challenge from Sally at The Studio Sublime.
I'd be diving in to my backlog of blogs to read.

Most of the time, I get to quickly scan the many, many blogs to which I subscribe and sometimes even get to comment. There are times when reading them is too much and I just scroll through the pictures. Ah, to have the time and leisure to sit back and enjoy all those posts. It would be heavenly.
I hope to get to visit some of the other blogs who will be joining in on this challenge at some point. Of course, I'm not sure I ever made it through all the ones on the first week. Sigh. If you're interested in seeing how others are taking their time, head over to Sally's blog for the complete list. I'm hoping to get this post added there at some point, but we'll see how the day goes.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Yes...this is a great way to spend some time...and I need to get my blogs organized on a reader too...have a great week...and I so miss Mardi Gras festivities...have fun!

  2. As busy as you are, it sounds as if you are a perfect candidate for some "down time". I hope you get some soon!

  3. I hope you get the time to sit for even a couple of minutes and go through all the blogs you follow - I know how fun that can be when you finally get the chance. Sometimes it's like reading a great book!! Good luck!! Great photo, btw, too!!

  4. good luck with the backlog! though, i'd sooner have a ball to go to... :)
    have a great week!
    [no. 13 this week]

  5. I can totally relate. Sometimes I miss reading for days and feel guilty. Today is ME time so I'm reading and commenting. I am inspired by this so much that I think I will join in....however late it may be.

  6. I can totally relate. Sometimes I miss reading for days and feel guilty. Today is ME time so I'm reading and commenting. I am inspired by this so much that I think I will join in....however late it may be.

  7. hope you get time to do a little 'blog surfing' we always love seeing you out and about :)

  8. Can't wait to hear about your Mardi Gras ball! Are you part of a krewe or get to ride on a float?

  9. Enjoy your ball! Catching up is an admirable way to spend your me time!

  10. It is so nice to be able to read the blog list. I ususally skim also. I hope you have time next week to enjoy your list.

  11. Reading blogs you enjoy is a great way to spend some "me" time!

    (I'm #40 this week)

  12. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have enough time to visit all the blogs we love! I hope you have an exciting time at the Mardi Gras Ball.

  13. well, I think I trimmed my backlog to about 600 but then again, I still have probably about 100 from a blog hop last week. If it makes you feel any better :)Someday!

  14. Reading blogs is an indulgence I so enjoy too and you're right about taking the time to comment and really read. I am working my way through all the posts from yesterday as i was gone for the day again. It takes hours to do it right!

  15. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done, let alone play time. It takes me days to get to all the blogs in this challenge, and then there's the blogs I follow, emails, etc. Sometimes we have to let things go, which, sadly, is usually our 'me time'.

  16. Hi Hope,
    I so understand the scaning through the longer post. I hope you had a wonderful time at the Ball.

  17. Shel- I'm hoping to eke out a little blog time this evening. . .maybe. Thank you for finding the time to stop by here!

    Cynthia- You are too sweet! Thanks :)

    Annette- I would love it!! I don't think I'd know what to do with myself if I had that kind of time. The ball was very nice. Thank you for your best wishes!

  18. Agreed! I subscribe to likely too many blog feeds. It is like my crack. I love to read what my online friends are up to, what inspires them, and to keep up with the conversation is really something special for me. Thanks for reminding me that what I am doing right now is something just for me! Enjoy the day. Erin

  19. There are so many great blogs and not enough time! Have fun at the Mardi Gras Ball.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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