Focusing on Life Week 2: Your Word

Look at me actually making it to the second week of these photo prompts. WOOHOO! (yeah, you might see that phrase repeated each week that I get this challenge completed. Sorry.)

This week, Sally prompted us to think about "your word" or "your resolution" for 2013. If you've been reading my blog for even the past few weeks you'll know that I didn't make resolutions or pick a word. . instead I make a long list of goals. Oh, I did try the word thing a few years back, but that just didn't work for me.

So, I was presented with several challenges this week.
1. Since I don't have a single word or resolution, I was baffled as to what to do for this week's challenge. After reading over my goals for the year, I realized that they almost all have me performing some kind of action or DOing something.
2. Where would I find the word? Sally offered up several suggestions, but I decided to just DO it myself.

I was hoping to learn a little more about my camera or photoshop this week to help with the challenge, but instead I got to play with my supplies. That was good too.

I cannot wait to see how the other participants went about photographing their own words. Of course, I'm still working through the self portraits from last week too. Check out what everyone else did as well by visiting Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime, where the other blogs will be linking up.

Thanks so much Sally for the prompt, I'm really enjoying myself with these.


  1. ha! Just DO it Hope! We all hope we see you for week three :)!!

  2. "do" is beautiful! and 50 more weeks to learn something. I have yet to learn or understand everything about my camera!

  3. this is a fine, fine word, and what a piece of jewellery!!!
    i'm no. 21 on the list btw :o)

  4. I love your word, even if it was not deliberately chosen. We all need to remember to act to achieve our goals. I love your pendant and the necklace is gorgeous.

  5. Hi Hope,
    Great word and photo I love the neclace with the pendant you etched with your word on it. We all need to do a little more and procrastinate less, especially me.

  6. "DO"...awesome! I told Dave last week about people picking words and said ours needs to be "DO" because we are more "should" people and that really has to stop. I loved reading this post and seeing your word on a piece of jewelry :-) DO IT HOPE, DO IT!!!

  7. Do is a very good word. Sometimes we get lost in the thought of doing.

  8. OK, so every time I visit each blog I think that's the word I should have chosen! I love your word, so small but so powerful.

    Your necklace is gorgeous! Did you etch that lovely focal? I so want to learn how to etch, but I have so many other techniques I want to learn first.

  9. I DO love your photo and most of all - your word! but seriously, that necklace is awesome!!

  10. I love the rainbow effect above your word! Lovely etching! And definetly a word to keep in the forefront of my mind, as well!

  11. I love that you made something to reflect your word. And it's stunning, by the way. And I agree that "do" can sum it all up.

  12. Niky- Thank you so much!!

    Cynthia- I'm already trying to think about my post for next week. . .hmmmm. Thanks! :)

    Shel- Aw, shucks. Thank you! I enjoyed getting to play with the metal and other supplies that don't get out often. I'm pleased it worked out.

  13. Love your necklace and how you incorporated your word! Awesome photo of the pendant!

  14. A big wooohooo from me too!

    That pendant is gorgeous, and the word, necessary for all of us :)

  15. What a great word and an awesome necklace to remind you. I should think less and do more!

  16. Ah great word! And you sure did because that is a fabulous necklace. Love the pendant:)

  17. Your necklace made me think of earrings a "D" and an "O". that way your word will be with you, and right by your brain. Osmosis anyone? ;)

  18. Jennifer- Ooohhhh, what a really neat idea. I'll have to think on that! Thanks :)

  19. Lovely necklace, and a wonderful start to your creative year. Let's all go and ...DO.

  20. Hope, I love your word, "DO"! Two little letters that pack a big punch! Just like that GORGEOUS necklace!

  21. Very powerful word! You can DO anything, anything at all!

  22. I too start the year out with lists and pretty much everyday there afterwards! But making lists and actually doing everything on them is a different story. I like your word; it is strong and to the point! I hope you are able to DO everything you hope to in 2013.

  23. A powerful and focused word for the year! I expect that there will be a lot of experimenting and searching and creating in your future, Miss Hope! I love that you made this into a necklace as a wonderful talisman to start your year off right and keep you on the track. I wish you joy in the journey in 2013. Enjoy the day. Erin

  24. Hi Hope, love your necklace? You've actually followed your word prompt to make your piece! Cute flower links BTW. ;)

  25. Karen- Thank you! Yes, I felt that DOing something would be a great way to show off my word. And, those flower links are actually old earrings that I repurposed. Thanks!

  26. Years ago, when Nike first came out with their slogan "just do it" I cut it out of a magazine and hung it on the fridge for inspiration. Do is a great word. As for playing with photos, have you tried picmonkey? Lots of fun and user friendly, no learning curve.


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