College Football and Meal Plan

Why is it that when you're busy, busy and there's much action and good-times going on that you completely forget to get some pictures to commemorate the good time? Is it just me? I'm constantly finding that I had a busy but fabulous weekend and absolutely FAILED to snap a single photo of all the fun. This weekend was no exception. I got to hang out with some old friends that I haven't seen in ages. I needed those friendships re-kindled something fierce. Yet, I failed to find a moment to capture it. Well, bonding over football is always a good time (they are big pro-football fans) but not always the most photogenic.

Speaking of football, the Alabama Crimson Tide's football team will be playing tonight for the BCS championship title game against Notre Dame. I'm so excited and cannot wait to cheer my team on to victory this evening. Roll Tide y'all!!

For now though, I need to focus on tasks at hand and get the rest of my chores and work done for the day. First thing's first. . .what will we eat this week? Being busy over the weekend makes it a little easier to plan since I had to carry over a few meals to this week. Oh well.

Breakfasts: Hot cereal (oatmeal or cheese grits), Juice, Raspberry parfaits, (healthy) Banana bread, Eggs w/toast & fruit

Lunches: Tuna noodles, Juice, Leftovers, Cheese quesidillas, Chicken salad pitas

Spicy Peanut Butter Tofu w/steamed green beans & brown rice
Crockpot chicken w/ cauliflower gratin & peas
Chili w/rice

You can find more Menu Plan Monday on I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Just a few more hours until game time. . .I'm getting more anxious by the second! It's the last day of college football season and I'm not sure what I'll do with myself for the next eight or so months. Oh right, I might actually make it outside on Saturdays. Ha!


  1. Roll tide roll!!! Thanks for sharing your meals that lemon pesto sounds yummy.

  2. Roll Tide Hope,
    We are #1 with 15 National Championships Woo Hoo! I was able to get a championship shirt last night and did not even have to leave the house ordered it from Dick's Sporting Goods. Your menu sounds yummy. How are you and Pat coming along on your healthy change?

  3. That lemony pesto pasta looks yum!


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