Tutorial: Easy Dollar Store Halloween Earrings

I ran in to the Dollar Tree yesterday to grab some painting supplies for the nieces to use on the mini pumpkins I had for them. (And now I realize I didn't get any pictures of their pumpkins. . .darn it!!) I also decided to browse the Halloween section for stickers for their creations. A pack of glittery foam stickers caught my eye and begged to be made into earrings.You can make them too. It was sooooo easy!

Start by picking up a pack of foam stickers at the store and gathering your supplies.

Foam stickers
Craft glue
Small hole punch
Simple ear wires
Pliers (flat nose)

Now peel off your sticker and coat the back with the craft glue. Use a toothpick to move the glue around.

Press the stickers onto the felt and give then a few minutes to dry (5-10 minutes).

Cut the felt into manageable sections.

Carefully cut the excess felt from around the jack-o-lanterns. Remember that the stickers are foam and can easily be cut as well.

Using a small hole punch, create a hole in the stem. Be very careful to center the punch so that you don't punch off the side of the sticker.

Use your flat nose pliers to twist open the loop on the ear wires.

Thread the pumpkin onto the ear wire.

Twist the loop closed with your pliers. Ta Da. . .fabulous, sparkly Halloween earrings!

Easy right!?


  1. How very clever! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. How cute and clever! So easy to do and we always underestimate supplies like this! Really cute!

  3. Cute little earrings! Love purple pumpkins...don't know why ;)

  4. Hi Hope,

    I love the Jack-O-Lantern earrings they are so cute. I need to try these.

  5. Hope, I love these! What a great idea!

  6. Girl, I didn't know they even made those small hole punchers! Lol.

  7. LeeLu- I think I got mine in the scrpbooking section of Hobby Lobby. I'm sure Michael's has them too. I use them ALL THE TIME!


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