Menu Plan Monday

I've totally got food on the brain right now as I just got back from lunching it up with a friend, shopping at the grocery store, and shopping at the farmer's market. Today's been a definite food-centered day and I feel totally bloated over it.

Anyway, I did get my menu made for the week before I got to all that though. It seems my breakfast and lunch options are pretty boring and repetitive lately, so I won't share them today. You can look at the past two weeks' menus if you're interested in those at all. Y'all. . .I seriously need some new low-meat ideas for those meals. Suggestions are TOTALLY welcome! In the meantime, here's our dinners.

Grilled turkey tenderloins w/cauliflower gratin & salad
Tempeh ratatouille
Black bean soup w/salad
Veggie burgers w/sweet potato fries
Meatless lasagna roll-ups w/salad

There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

And, I re-listed this junk necklace today.
Suor Angelica JUNK Necklace

Now I'm serious about those breakfast and lunch suggestions!!

Here's hoping you're having a great Monday.


  1. Ohh, I love the idea of lasagna roll-ups! As for breakfast ideas, I neither have the time nor the desire to cook that early in the morning.

    Your 'junk' necklace is gorgeous,

    Happy Monday!!!

  2. How about this for breakfast?

  3. And these from the same blog:

    Click on recipes and you'll see a category for lunch too.


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