BTW: Stepping Back

I've been a little off my blogging game the last few days.

See, recently I made a few resolutions to myself and have been trying to work on those. First, I really want to create what I want to create. I've been involved in so many swaps and hops and challenges lately that I haven't really had a chance to focus. Secondly, I need to USE WHAT I HAVE! This is actually one of my goals for the year and over the last few months I've just let it fall to the wayside. No more I say! NO MORE. (I sound resolutely resolved don't I?)

So here's some of what exists on my craft desk currently.
Many bags of sequins for the Sequintastic September Challenge/Hop
A to do list (not in priority order)
I'm trying to clear my plate in order to create. Just as soon as I get all those tasks completed on the above list, I can head in my own creative direction. I'm closer to the end than it looks, but it seems to be taking me forever to finish. I'll get there soon and I can't wait.

Check out more Bead Table Wednesday in the Flickr Group.

Please note that if you're having a swap, challenge, or hop I'm aching to jump on board. However for the sake of my own craft, I'm fighting the urge to sign up and forcing myself to step back for a little while. It's nothing personal at all and I will be jumping back in on those very soon. Promise!


  1. I hear you loud and clear! I need to enter challenges to keep me creating, and it certainly does the trick. But I'm realizing now that I'm not 'playing' any more and I miss that. Also, this is my busiest time of the year in terms of community volunteer work, which really eats up my time. Don't get me wrong, it's very rewarding and our little community needs all the help it can get. So I struggle with time management, finding time to spend with my family, bench time, and ME time--all the way through the end of the year.

  2. I'm with you -- I had to put myself on a strict "no challenge" diet after the Bead Soup, just to let me focus on the things I needed to do for shows and stores that I'm committed to. It's tempting though...the Sequintastic, the Time to Stitch, the monthly Art Bead challenge...

  3. Hi Hope,
    I understand I am totally swamped with challenges and blog hops, but that is what I get for making that one of my resolutions to join more challenges. I will not be making that same resolution next year. They have been fun, but I need to rest and not be under so much pressure. I will still do challenges, but I will be more selective next time. I finally started on my Sequintastic piece it is totally not something I normally do. I'm going on a beading retreat this weekend with some beady women here in Montgomery, we are going the Florida for the weekend. I'm sooo looking forward to getting away and having a good time.

  4. Ali- Ha, don't I? Off course, not long after writing this I HAD to go to the craft store to get an item or two to finish off one of my sequin projects. I'm justifying it because it was something that doesn't exist in my stash at all and was NOT a bead. See how I squeak by on my own rules. It's shameful really. Hi. . .my name's Hope and I have a craft supply addiction. Admitting is the first step right? ;)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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