Shop Announcement and Giveaways Found

Pat and I are taking a vacation soon, so I just want to give all you Etsy shoppers a heads up. I WILL be keeping the shop open this time, but all orders received will not be shipped until August 9th. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me.

One of the things I've done to prepare for vacation is to try to get through the list of beaders in the first bead soup reveal. I'm just about done with the list, but thought you might want to know that I've found quite a few giveaways in the mix. Here's the ones I've found.
Now, there may be some others I've missed (I know there was one giveaway already drawn for, so oops!), but I just figured I'd share. If you're having a giveaway and I missed you, I do apologize. Feel free to add a link in the comments.

As always, I do hope to blog while I'm out. . .but I never do know how busy I'll be, if I'll have internet, and such. I don't want to promise anything.

I guess that's everything for now. Later y'all!


  1. Thanks for your kind words about my leather and bead necklace. So nice to see all these giveaways in one I read through blogs I always say I'll go back and enter, but then I forget.

    How is the Crafting Devotional going? I'm really interested in feeding the muse and wondered how it was working.

  2. Oh...and I adore those earrings in your header they are so clever.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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