Catching Up: BSBP Teaser, Menu, New Month

Oh where do I start?

I introduced you to my Bead Soup Blog partner and sent out her Bead Soup last week. As such, I suppose I should post some teaser pictures for her and your benefit, especially since it'll take about two weeks for her to get it.
I know these blurry sneaky peeks don't offer up much, but they are just a taste of the soup I sent to wet Karen's appetite!

Speaking of soup, it's Monday Meal Plan time. (Don't you like how I made that transition? hee.) I'm not solid on what my plans for this holiday week entail, so I over-planned a bit. Here goes.

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, overnight breakfast quichiladas, cinnamon rolls, oatmeal wheat pancakes, bacon w/eggs & toast, raspberry parfaits

Lunches: Sliced chicken sandwiches, leftovers, leftovers, chicken w/salad, soup w/grilled cheese, tuna salad on salad, ham sandwiches

Ranch style chicken w/new potatoes & broccoli
Pork chops with creamy mushrooms & dill w/roasted garlic cauliflower (recipe below) & brown rice
Grilled steaks w/sweet potatoes & salad
Shrimp vodka pasta w/green beans

Oh, and here's the cauliflower recipe. Unfortunately, this is another one that I don't know where it came from.
Roasted Garlic Cauliflower   
·2 tablespoons minced garlic   
·3 tablespoons olive oil   
·1 large head cauliflower, separated into florets   
·1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese   
·salt and black pepper to taste   
·1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley   
1.  Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F (220 degrees C). Grease a large casserole dish.   
2.  Place the olive oil and garlic in a large resealable bag. Add cauliflower, and shake to mix. Pour into the prepared casserole dish.   
3.  Bake for 25 minutes, stirring halfway through. Top with Parmesan cheese and parsley, and broil for 3 to 5 minutes, until golden brown.   

I AM looking for ideas of what to do with the turkey tenderloin. So. . .if you've got a recipe up your sleeve for those, please don't hesitate to share it!

Is anyone else wondering where June went? I know that I just flipped over the calendar from May and now it's July. How did that happen? As a result, my goals for the year almost completely fell by the wayside last month. I will say that my house stayed clean and I got a lot of reading done, but the rest of the goals really didn't get much attention. As such, I'm refraining from doing a whole review. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can check out May's Goal Review which will direct you to all the other ones for this year as well.

With a new month also comes new photo prompts for July from Fat Mum Slim. Here's the list.

I think I'm going to share some of my June photos with you tomorrow, since I did get a few of those squeezed in last month.

Let's leave it at that for today as a pop-up thunderstorm has already delayed me getting this post up. Thanks for bearing with me through this randomness.


  1. Hi Hope,
    I think there is something wrong with your camera those pictures are so blurry I can not make out a thing! LOL
    The menu sounds fantastic as always.
    I saw your self portrait on facebook and you are looking beautiful!

  2. Hope..great teaser, I have been thinking only last night should do the same! Thanks for the going to try that, sounds lovely.

  3. And with that teaser I'm hooked! Guess I'll just have to wait another week or so. Should have some teaser pics up for you today as well.
    If the second half of the year goes as quickly as the first half I might have so start Christmas shopping soon!

  4. Karen- Oh, I do hope you like what I sent. I'm sorry the teasers are SO blurry, but I've made ones in the past that kinda spoiled the surprised. I didn't want to do that to you. I'm anxious to see the teaser from you and will be hopping over there soon!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had the year just fly by. :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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