Bead Soup Sent, Menu, and New Earrings

I made it back from my convention safe and sound late Sunday night. Yesterday was totally spent on an attempt to catch up on sleep and everything else, but my attention just wasn't in it. As such; no menu was made, no blogs were read, and very little unpacking was done. Today's already looking to be a bit more productive!

Let me start by following up with my Bead Soup post from Tuesday. I showed off what I received from Karen at Over the Moon Design in that post. While I was gone, she also received her bead soup from me. Karen spilled the details of the soup I sent (so you definitely want to check out her post) but here's a few quick pics of the soup(s).
A colorful mix of beads with a pewter focal
A more earthy mix with a brass focal
I realized while I was on my trip that I failed to fully express how very much I am enamored with the soup Karen sent me. The focal is just luscious and the beads totally make smile. I just hope I can do them justice. Thanks again Karen!!

I've got the menu made and the grocery shopping done. Even though it's no longer Menu Plan Monday, I still want to share the meals we'll be having this week so the links are there for all to enjoy!

Breakfasts: Cereal oatmeal, cinnamon rolls, raspberry parfaits, mini quiches, eggs w/bacon & toast, breakfast banana split

Lunches: Ham & cheddar paninis, tuna w/salad, pepperoni pizza puffs, soup w/grilled cheese, chicken salad roll-ups, leftovers

Alice Springs chicken (recipe below) w/broccoli

Here's the chicken recipe
ALICE SPRINGS CHICKEN (Makes 4 servings)
4 boneless chicken breasts
8 pieces bacon, coarsely chopped
8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 tablespoon butter
1 clove garlic, minced
4 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded

Season the chicken with the seasonings of your choice (I use Spicy Seasoning Salt); grill until just done.
Keep the chicken warm. Meanwhile, fry the bacon in a skillet until crisp; drain on paper towels.
In the same skillet, saute the mushrooms and garlic in butter, seasoning with salt to taste. Cook until the juices have evaporated.
Place the chicken on a foil-lined baking sheet. Top each piece of chicken with 1/4 of the mushrooms and bacon, then with the shredded cheese. Broil until cheese is melted and bubbly.

Before I head out, let me show off these new earrings int he shop. I'm pretty proud of them.
Pagoda Earrings
How's your week going so far?


  1. The bead soup you sent is beautiful! I'm sure Karen will make something beautiful!

    I used to order the Alice Springs Chicken from Outback and really liked it (and not just because it shares my first name). Thanks so much for the recipe!

  2. Hi Hope,
    Glad you made it back home safe and sound. The bead soup you sent to Karen is very pretty and looking forward to seeing what she does with it. The Alice Springs Chicken sound yummy. At first glance at the earrings I thought that they looked like oil dikes gushing water, sorry just my wild imagination, they are really very pretty I love the blue glass beads on top.

  3. I'm stopping by for a visit via Organizing Junkie today!
    The chicken recipe sounds delicious. Everything is better with bacon.
    Lovely beads.
    Have a wonderful and delicious week.

  4. Berry- I'm glad to know you found my from Org. Junkie! You've actually left a few comments here before and I'm following your blog (though I'm really bad about commenting sometimes) We had the chicken last night and it was VERY good. And yes, give me some bacon and cheese on something and I will likely eat it. . .the mushrooms were just an added plus! ;)


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