BTW: Inspiration Hit

After all the whining I did yesterday about my lack of inspiration and being overwhelmed, this is what my craft desk looked like at the end of the day yesterday.

Yes, I got my butt in the craft room and got it in gear. My trick? I reached into this bucket of "homeless beads", pulled out a strand, and told myself that I HAD to make something with them.

I not only made something with them (the necklace) I also got a pair of earrings and a bracelet made.

How's that for a creative funk lifted?

There's more craft desk goodness in the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

Oh, and I re-listed this lovely necklace.
Secret Garden Necklace

Now, I'm off to see what other kind of trouble I can get into! Have a great Hump Day!


  1. Wonderful inspiration! I was working like a crazy person last night on my Time to Stitch project, and forgot to get my BTW post up! I'll post final pics on flickr .. sigh

  2. Antiquity- Thanks and ha! I understand the working through the day because you're on a roll. I guess I need to head back over to Flickr and check out what you've got going on there! :)


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